Manufacturers are deepening price discounts to offer more promotions and dept of discount offered by manufacturer is often increased by retailers to enhance store loyalty (DelVecchio et al., 2007, p. 148). Deep price discounts can be a particular problem for consumers in the context of EDBP perishable foods. Managers should consider discount level of perishable foods as they approach their expiration dates. Customers may be suspicious regarding the quality of the product with high discounts. Thus, discount levels should be moderate in order to decrease customers’ perceived risk. On the other hand, in high perceived risk category (e.g. beef, chicken and fish) perishables, deeper discounts may be necessary earlier in the shelf life of the product to increase perceived quality of the product (Tsiros and Heilman, 2005, p. 127). Findings imply that companies should lower perceived risk associated with EDBP products to increase perceived value specifically for sale prone consumers and consequently increase their purchase probability (Sweeney et al., 1999; Beneke et al., 2013). Companies should specifically educate consumers who have high perceived risk and inexperience associate with EDBP perishable foods in order to decrease susceptibility (Tsiros and Heilman, 2005, p. 127).