
















General Weekly Love Horoscopes

FOR THE WEEK OF MONDAY, AUG. 24 — One of the most auspicious days of the year will happen on Wednesday, when the Sun and Jupiter beam brightly together in the sky. This may or may not have a direct effect on your love life, but it'll surely put you in a great mood and that will always help you in matters of the heart. Then, on Thursday, Mercury enters Libra allowing everyone to adapt a mindset focused on what the other person is saying instead of exclusively one's own agenda. Relating will be easier all around with an enhanced ability to truly collaborate with your partner and see things from his or her perspective. A Full Moon in Pisces on Saturday, will leave everyone extra wistful and dreamy ---- believing in the magical possibilities of soul mate unions and fairy tale dreams.

Aries Weekly Love Horoscopes

FOR THE WEEK OF MONDAY, AUG. 24 — You'll have an incredible edge in communicating with your mate after Thursday so be sure to save important conversations until after then. If the two of you are trying to make a major decision together about your relationship, or if you're trying to agree on any other topic, you'll notice that it's much easier for you to see your sweetie's perspective than usual. It'll also be much easier for you to compromise. Wow!

Taurus Weekly Love Horoscopes

FOR THE WEEK OF MONDAY, AUG. 24 — Romance is lit up for you this Wednesday! First, the Sun and Jupiter collide in your 5th House of True Love, which should bring an incredibly fortunate development your way connected to matters of the heart. As if that weren't enough, on the same day Mercury, will be at a perfect angle to Saturn, now in your relationship sector. When Mercury and Saturn are friendly, you know that decisions made will stand the test of time. Conversations with your partner will have substance.

Gemini Weekly Love Horoscopes

FOR THE WEEK OF MONDAY, AUG. 24 — This week, relationship matters will definitely be front and center of your mind! On Thursday, your ruling planet, Mercury, will enter partnership Libra and your 5th House of Romance. There's no getting around it -- you'll be mentally focused on thinking and talking about love. If you're dating someone, it's likely that you'll begin to discuss whether or not you see a future as partners together. If single, it's a great time to schedule a date with someone new. You're likely to share an instant connection and just might talk the night away!

Cancer Weekly Love Horoscopes

FOR THE WEEK OF MONDAY, AUG. 24 — Your greatest asset this week in terms of love potential will surely be your communication style. On Wednesday, you'll feel more confident and sure of what it is you really want to say to your love. You won't mince words and you won't shy away from discussing a situation that requires the two of you to really think through together. Also, it's quite possible that you'll offer your sweetheart advice that really helps him or her make a weighty decision with maturity.

Leo Weekly Love Horoscopes

FOR THE WEEK OF MONDAY, AUG. 24 — Make the most out of the mental edge you'll have starting this Thursday. You and your partner might brainstorm on an idea together or discuss an important matter that affects your partnership. Another possibility is that you'll be in discussions together to sign a contract and if so, it'll be a favorable time to do so. On Saturday, you might hear fulfilling news about a joint investment you and your partner made.

Virgo Weekly Love Horoscopes

FOR THE WEEK OF MONDAY, AUG. 24 — This week your love life will surely be emphasized. You might also feel extra sensitive about matters of the heart. On Wednesday, it's likely that you'll feel more confident to reach out to your partner in order to experience the type of relationship you truly dream of. While you might very much be in love, these days you're also likely to feel that, with just a little work, things can become nearly perfect between you. On Saturday, this mindset will either lead to fulfillment or disappointment.

Libra Weekly Love Horoscopes

FOR THE WEEK OF MONDAY, AUG. 24 — Carve out some extra time for yourself this week, away from your partner or current love life situation. You might feel extra drained, physically or emotionally and instead of snuggling up with your mate will benefit more from a healthy dose of alone time. It'll not only rejuvenate your spirit but will leave you feeling more confident about your love life. By Thursday, you'll be in a solid position to communicate your thoughts to your mate with clarity -- and know that they are being heard.

Scorpio Weekly Love Horoscopes

FOR THE WEEK OF MONDAY, AUG. 24 — This might be an incredibly fulfilling week for you, romantically and socially. First, you can expect a major benefit from one of your pals on Wednesday. He or she might offer to set you up with someone special if you're single. Or, it's possible that you'll attend a work or health related event and meet someone special. If you're dating someone and the feelings are flowing, it's possible that you'll begin to think you've found an ideal soul mate by Saturday. Wonderful!

Sagittarius Weekly Love Horoscopes

FOR THE WEEK OF MONDAY, AUG. 24 — Your partner might voice a strong desire to do more social things together this week. While he or she may enjoy spending time with you alone, this week it appears that your mate needs a bit more mental stimulation. Why not attend a meeting at an organization about a topic that interests the both of you? Or, why not schedule a double date with another couple you're both friendly with? You'll have a great time!

Capricorn Weekly Love Horoscopes

FOR THE WEEK OF MONDAY, AUG. 24 — It's possible that this week you and your partner will have an emotionally charged situation to address concerning one of your siblings. Perhaps a brother or sister will reveal that he or she is going through a difficult time, is struggling with an addiction, or other unhealthy escapist pattern. You'll both be ready to do what you can to help. Alternatively, a sibling might have happy news to share with you both about an imaginative or communications related pursuit that's ready to launch.

Aquarius Weekly Love Horoscopes

FOR THE WEEK OF MONDAY, AUG. 24 — Financial matters will command your attention -- and your partner's. If one of you has been overly confident or unrealistic about an investment or how joint funds have been allocated, this week is the time to set things straight. The good news is that your joint financial outlook has not looked this bright in years so it does appear that money will flow. The bad news is that you might not be paying enough attention to where it's going. If so, that habit will catch up to both of you.

Pisces Weekly Love Horoscopes

FOR THE WEEK OF MONDAY, AUG. 24 — Thanks to Jupiter moving through your relationship sector, it seems as though you and your partner are on cloud nine! This week, that trend will surely continue. On Wednesday, the Sun and Jupiter meet up in your 7th House of Partnership and you'll feel that your partner is truly supportive of your goals, beliefs and dreams. Then, after Thursday, you'll be able to make a joint financial decision together without blinking an eye. On Saturday, a Full Moon in your sign will have you more emotionally open than usual. Your partner will adore it.
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結果 (中文) 1: [復制]
玛利亚德西蒙,美国著名占星师,在媒体评选的全美十佳占星师中排名第三,国际顶尖占星师之一,成功开创多媒体占星公司,成为占星界先锋实验派的独秀,为占星的风靡做出了不菲的贡献。 运势风格偏事件指导。转载请注明“星译社”及译者,谢谢 ☆☆☆白羊座——译者: ☆☆☆金牛座——译者: ☆☆☆双子座——译者: ☆☆☆巨蟹座——译者: ☆☆☆狮子座——译者: ☆☆☆处女座——译者: ☆☆☆天秤座——译者: ☆☆☆天蝎座——译者: ☆☆☆射手座——译者: ☆☆☆摩羯座——译者: ☆☆☆水瓶座——译者: ☆☆☆双鱼座——译者: 原文:General Weekly Love Horoscopes一周的星期一,8 月 24 日 — — 周三,当太阳和木星梁明亮一起在天空中会发生年最吉祥的日子之一。这可能有也可能没有直接影响到你的爱情生活,但它肯定会使你心情很好,这总是会帮助你心脏的问题。然后上周四,, 水星进入天秤座让每个人都适应一种心态,专注于其他人而不完全是自己的议程的意思。有关会更容易的四周与增强的能力,真正与您的合作伙伴协作,并从他或她的角度来看事情。在上周六,双鱼座的满月将离开每个人都额外惆怅和梦幻---相信灵魂伴侣工会和童话梦想的神奇的可能性。白羊座每周运势这一周的星期一,8 月 24 日 — — 你得令人难以置信的边缘与你的伴侣沟通后周四,所以一定要保存直到以后的以后的重要谈话。如果你们两个想要做出重大决定一起对你们的关系,或者如果你想达成任何其他主题,你会注意到它是让你看到你的甜心角度比平常容易得多。它也会更容易为你妥协。哇!金牛座每周星座运势这一周的星期一,8 月 24 日 — — 浪漫在本星期三照亮你!第一,太阳和木星碰撞在你 5 房子的真正的爱情,应该带来你的方式连接到内心的无比幸运的发展。仿佛这还不够,汞,同日将在一个完美的角度对土星,现在在你的关系宫。当水星和土星是友好的时你知道作出决定经得起时间的考验。与你的伴侣的对话将有实质内容。双子座每周星座运势这一周的星期一,8 月 24 日 — — 本周,关系事项一定会前面和中心的你的头脑!上周四,你的守护星水星,将进入天秤座的伙伴关系和你的第五届浪漫的房子。有没有办法绕过它 — — 你会精神集中于思考和谈论爱情。如果你在和别人约会,很可能,你就会开始讨论你看到未来作为伙伴在一起。如果单身的话,它是另有新欢的日程的大好时机。你可能会共享即时连接,只是可能就会谈论了一夜!癌症每周星座运势这一周的星期一,8 月 24 日 — — 你最大的资产本周爱情潜力肯定会你的沟通风格。上周三,你会感到更加自信和肯定的它是你真正想要说对你的爱。你不会啰嗦,你不会回避讨论需要你想真正通过在一起的两种情况。它也很有可能你会提供你真的可以帮助他或她的心上人建议一个重大的决定与成熟。狮子座每周运势这一周的星期一,8 月 24 日 — — 争取最大利益的心理的边缘,你会有这周四开始。你和你的伴侣可能一起谋划一个主意或讨论影响你的伙伴关系的重要问题。另一种可能性是,你会在讨论中携手共进,共签订合同,如果如此,它会这样做的好时机。上周六,你可能会听到履行联合投资的消息,你和你的伴侣了。处女座每周运势这一周的星期一,8 月 24 日 — — 本周你的爱情生活肯定会被强调。你也可能觉得额外敏感的心的事情。上周三,很可能你会觉得更有把握地伸向你的伴侣要体验你真正的梦想的关系的类型。虽然你可能很多是在这几天,你也可能会觉得,只是一小点的工作,事情可以变得近乎完美,你们之间的爱。上周六,这种心态也会导致满足或失望。天秤座每周星座运势这一周的星期一,8 月 24 日 — — 留出一些额外的时间为自己这一周,从你的伴侣或爱情生活现状。你可能会感到额外排水,身体或情感上,而不是与你的伴侣依偎将受益更多健康剂量的独处的时间。它不只会令你精神抖擞,但会让你感觉对你的爱情生活更有信心。星期四,你会在稳固的地位来传达你的想法对你的伴侣以清晰 — — 和知道他们被听到。天蝎座每周星座运势这一周的星期一,8 月 24 日 — — 这可能是非常充实的周对你来说,浪漫和社会。你可以在第一,期望从你的好友之一和周三的一大好处。他或她可能会提供让你与特别的如果你是单身的人。或者,有可能你会参加工作或健康相关的事件和满足特别的人。如果你在和某人约会和流动的感觉,很可能你就会开始想你周六发现理想的灵魂伴侣。太棒了!射手座每周运势这一周的星期一,8 月 24 日 — — 你的伴侣可能声音本周在一起做更多的社会事物的强烈愿望。虽然他或她可能喜欢花时间对你一个人,它所出现的本周你的伴侣需要更多一点的精神刺激。为什么不在出席会议的组织利益,你们俩的话题?或者,为什么不安排另一对夫妇,你们俩都友好与双约会吗?你会有一个很大的时间!摩羯座每周运势这一周的星期一,8 月 24 日 — — 它是可能的这个星期你和你的伴侣会情绪激动的情况向关于你的兄弟姐妹之一的地址。也许一个弟弟或妹妹将揭示他或她正在艰难的时期,正在处理的让人上瘾或其他不健康的逃避现实模式。你俩都会准备好尽你所能来帮助。另外,兄弟姐妹可能有高兴的消息要与你们一起分享富有想象力或通信的相关追求,是准备发射。水瓶座每周运势这一周的星期一,8 月 24 日 — — 财务事项会命令你的注意力 — — 和你的伴侣。如果你们其中之一已经过度自信或不切实际关于投资或如何联合拨款,这周是时间把事情讲清楚。好消息是你联合的经济前景已不看这光明年,所以它不会出现资金会流向。坏消息是,你可能不会给予足够的重视,对它去哪里。如果是这样,这种习惯会赶上你们两个。双鱼座每周运势一周的星期一,8 月 24 日 — — 木星移动通过你的关系宫,它似乎好象你和你的伴侣是在九霄云外!本周,肯定继续这一趋势。周三,太阳和木星满足你 7 家伙伴关系中,你会感觉你的伴侣是真正支持你的目标、 信念和梦想。然后,星期四之后, 你会能够一起进行联合的财务决策,眼都不眨。上周六,满月在你的星座会让你更多比平时感情上打开。你的伴侣会喜欢上它。
結果 (中文) 3:[復制]
Maria DeSimone, famous American astrologer and in the media in the selection of the nation's top astrologers ranked third, one of the top international astrologers, the success of creating multimedia astrological company, become the astrological circles pioneer experimental Duxiu, for the popularity of astrology made valuable contribution. Your style of partial event guide.

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每周的星期的星期一,8月24 -你将有一个令人难以置信的优势,在与你的队友在星期四,所以一定要节省重要的谈话,直到之后。如果你们想在一起,你们的关系做出重大的决定,或者如果你想在任何其他的主题一致,你会发现你更容易看到你的宝贝的角度比平常。这也会更容易让你妥协。哇哦






每周的星期的星期一,8月24 -让你的精神优势,你将开始这个星期四最。你和你的伴侣可能集思广益的想法一起讨论影响你的伙伴关系的一个重要问题。另一种可能性是,你会在讨论中签署一份合同,如果是这样的话,这将是一个有利时机。星期六,你可能会听到履行联合投资你和你的伴侣做新闻。


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