Player Load: Is a vector magnitude derived from the triaxial accelerometry data that quantifies movement with high resolution. It is the vector sum of the accelerations of the device on its three axes (vertical, antero-posterior and lateral), and is calculated from the following equation where (Z) is acceleration on the antero-posterior axis, (X) is acceleration on themedium-lateral axis; (Y) is acceleration on the vertical axis, (t) is time and (n) is number. Accelerations and decelerations are used to build a cumulativemeasurement of the acceleration change rate. We use a cumulative measurement (PL) and an intensity measurement (PL.min-1), which can, therefore, indicate the stress rate that the player’s body is subjected to during a determined time period. The Player Load as a load unit has a moderate-high grade of reliability and validity (Barreira et al., 2017).