8.2 Choice of Law; Jurisdiction; Dispute Resolution. The Terms of Sale的繁體中文翻譯

8.2 Choice of Law; Jurisdiction; Di

8.2 Choice of Law; Jurisdiction; Dispute Resolution. The Terms of Sale will be governed by the laws of the Taiwan, without reference to its conflict of laws rules. Purchaser and CHEM agree that their rights and obligations under the Terms of Sale are not governed by the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. Any and all claims or causes of action which cannot be mutually settled and agreed to by the parties, will and must be brought or asserted by Purchaser only in a district court in Taipei, Taiwan, and Purchaser hereby expressly agrees, consents and stipulates to the exercise of personal jurisdiction over it, and subject matter jurisdiction over any such controversy, with respect to such claims or actions being only with either such court; provided, however, that CHEM may in its sole discretion elect to bring an action to enforce or protect any right or obligation created hereunder against Purchaser in any competent court CHEM might choose. If for any reason this stipulation covering both jurisdiction and venue will be determined by a competent court of law to be invalid or unenforceable, then the parties hereby agree, consent and stipulate that all such claims or causes of action will be submitted to and resolved by arbitration under the rules of the Taiwan Arbitration Association, with such arbitration to take place in Taipei, Taiwan.

8.3 Costs and Attorney Fees. If any arbitration, suit, or action is instituted to interpret or enforce the provisions of the Terms of Sale, to collect any sums owed under the Terms of Sale, or otherwise with respect to the subject matter of the Terms of Sale, the party prevailing will be entitled to recover, in addition to costs, reasonable attorney fees incurred in preparation or in prosecution or defense of such arbitration, suit, or action as determined by the arbitrator or trial court, and if any appeal is taken from such decision, reasonable attorney fees as determined on appeal.

8.4 Entire Agreement. The Terms of Sale will be binding on and inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors, and permitted assigns. The Terms of Sale constitute the entire agreement and understanding between the parties concerning the subject matter hereof and supersede all prior agreements, negotiations and understandings of the parties with respect thereto. No representation, promise, modification or amendment will be binding upon either party as a warranty or otherwise unless in writing and signed on behalf of each party by a duly authorized representative. No supplier, sales representative or agent is authorized to waive or alter any of these Terms and Conditions without the express written acceptance thereof by an officer of CHEM.

8.5 Assignment. The rights and duties of Purchaser under the Terms of Sale may not be assigned or transferred in whole or in part, by operation of law or otherwise, without the express written consent of CHEM, which consent may be withheld in CHEM’s sole discretion.

8.6 No Waiver. The failure of a party to enforce at any time any of the provisions of the Terms of Sale, or to exercise any election or option provided herein, will in no way be construed as a waiver of such provisions or options, nor in any way to affect the validity of the Terms of Sale or any part thereof, or the right of such party to enforce each and every such provision.

8.7 No Third-Party Beneficiaries. Nothing in the Terms of Sale, express or implied, is intended or will be construed to confer on any person, other than the parties to the Terms of Sale, any right, remedy, or claim under or with respect to the Terms of Sale.

8.8 Facsimile Signatures. Facsimile transmission of any signed original document, and retransmission of any signed facsimile transmission, will be the same as delivery of an original. At the request of either party, the parties will confirm facsimile transmitted signatures by signing an original document.

8.9 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence with respect to all dates and time periods set forth or referred to in the Terms of Sale.

8.10 Compliance with Laws.

(a) In general. Each party will comply with all applicable laws and regulations inside and outside the Taiwan, R.O.C.. If any approval with respect to the Terms of Sale, or the registration thereof, is required at any time, with respect to giving legal effect to the Terms of Sale, or with respect to compliance with exchange regulations or other legal requirements, Purchaser will immediately take whatever steps may be necessary in this respect. Purchaser is to bear all costs associated with complying with such laws and regulations. Purchaser will provide CHEM with written evidence, satisfactory to CHEM, that all necessary registration and approvals have been made or obtained or are not required, and CHEM will not be obligated to ship any equipment under the Terms of Sale until it receives such evidence. Purchaser will promptly deliver to CHEM a copy of any notice or instrument, which alleges a violation of any laws or regulations.

(b) Compliance with Taiwan R.O.C. Export Laws. Without limiting the generality of Section 8.10(a), Purchaser will comply with all relevant Taiwan, R.O.C. export control laws, including, but not limited to, the rules and regulations of the Bureau of Industry (“BIS”) of the MOEA. Such compliance includes, but is not limited to, Purchaser’s provision of all written assurances to CHEM required by Taiwan R.O.C. law, and Purchaser’s refraining from the export, either directly or indirectly, of any commodity or technology without first obtaining any required license or other approval from BIS, MOEA, or from any other relevant agency or department of the Taiwan, R.O.C. Government. If Purchaser requests that CHEM apply for such license or other approval, Purchaser will bear all expenses associated with such application. Purchaser acknowledges that it may be required to apply for such license or other approval itself, and in which case will not look to CHEM to bear any expenses associated with such application.
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (繁體中文) 1: [復制]
8.2 選擇的法律;管轄權;解決糾紛。銷售條款將受法律的臺灣,沒有對其衝突法規則的引用。買方和化學都同意,他們的權利和義務銷售條款不受聯合國合同公約 》 國際貨物銷售。任何和所有索賠或原因的行動,不能相互結算和同意各方,將和必須帶來或聲稱由買方只在臺灣,臺北地方法院並且買方特此明確同意,同意和規定行使個人管轄和主題事項管轄任何這樣的爭議,對此類索賠或行動正在只用這種法院提出上訴;提供,然而,那 CHEM 可能在自行選擇提起訴訟,以強制執行或保護任何權利或 CHEM 可能選擇針對買方在任何主管法院創建本合同項下的義務。如果出於任何原因這一規定涉及管轄權和地點將由主管法院的法律為無效或無法執行,然後各方特此同意,同意並規定將提交和通過根據規則 》 的與這種仲裁在臺北舉行,臺灣仲裁協會仲裁解決所有此類索賠或訴訟因由臺灣。8.3 費用和律師費。如果提起任何仲裁、 訴訟或行動來解釋或執行規定的銷售條款收集根據銷售條款所欠的任何款項或否則就標的物的銷售條款,盛行的方將有權收回,除成本外,合理的律師費用在製備或在起訴或防禦這種仲裁西裝或作為行動確定由仲裁員或審判的法庭,而如果任何上訴取自這樣的決定,合理的律師費用確定上訴。8.4 整份合約。銷售條款將具有約束力,並有利於當事方和他們各自的繼承人、 個人代表,繼承人和允許。銷售條款構成整體協定和理解雙方關於本合同標的物並取代所有以前的協定,談判和尊重各方的理解及其。沒有代表性、 承諾、 修改或修訂將對任何一方作為保修有約束力或否則為除非以書面形式和代表每一締約方經正式授權的代表簽字。沒有供應商、 銷售代表或代理被授權免除或更改這些條款及條件的任何未經明確的書面接受其獲化學8.5 分配。權利和義務的規定銷售條款的買主,不可能分配或轉讓全部或部分,通過法律的運作或否則為沒有明確的化學,可能隱瞞這種同意,在化學的唯一自由裁量權的書面同意。8.6 沒有放棄。沒有辦法,失敗的一方在任何時候執行任何銷售條款的規定或行使任何選舉或按此處提供的選項中被解釋為放棄這類規定或選項,也不以任何方式影響銷售條款或其任何部分或該方有權強制執行這種每一項條文的效力。8.7 沒有協力廠商受益人。銷售條款,明示或暗示的任何旨在或將解釋為授予銷售條款締約方以外的任何人任何對症下藥,或聲稱或銷售條款。8.8 傳真簽字。傳真任何的傳輸簽名的原始文檔和重任何的傳簽名的傳真傳輸,將原交付相同。在任何一方的請求,雙方將簽署一份原始檔案確認傳真傳輸的簽字。8.9 時間的本質。時間是本質的所有日期和時間段規定或銷售條款所述。8.10 遵守法律。(a) 一般。每個締約方將遵守所有適用法律和法規,有臺灣中華民國內外。如果在任何時候,就給銷售條款的法律效力的任何批准銷售條款或辦理登記,或者對遵守外匯管理法規或其他法律的規定,買方將立即採取任何步驟可能有必要在這方面。買方是承擔遵守這些法律和條例有關的所有費用。買方將提供書面證據,到化學,所有必要的註冊和批准而作出或取得令人滿意的化學或不是必需的和化學不會船舶銷售條款下的任何設備,直到它接收到這種證據的義務。買方將及時交付 CHEM 的任何通知或指稱違反任何法律或法規的文書副本。(b) 遵守臺灣中華民國的出口法律。在不限制部分 8.10(a) 的一般性的原則下,買方將遵守所有有關臺灣,中華民國出口管制法律,包括但不是限於工業局 (下稱"之二") 的經濟部的規章制度。這種遵守情況包括但並不僅限於買方的所有書面向提供保證臺灣中華民國法律和買方避免出口,直接或間接的任何商品或事先獲得任何所需的許可或其他批准從國際清算銀行,經濟部,或技術所需的化學從任何其他有關機構或部門的臺灣,中華民國政府。如果買方要求 CHEM 申請此類許可證或其他批准,買方將承擔與此類應用程式關聯的所有費用。買方承認,它可能需要申請此類許可證或其他批准本身,並在這種情況下不會看對化學須承擔與此類應用程式關聯的任何費用。
結果 (繁體中文) 2:[復制]
8.2法律選擇; 管轄權; 爭議解決。銷售條款將由台灣的法律管轄,但不涉及法律衝突規則。買方及CHEM同意他們在售的條款的權利和義務沒有聯合國公約關於合同國際貨物銷售管轄。不能相互結算,並同意由雙方的任何索賠或訴訟的原因,將必須只在台北,台灣,買方某區法院提起或斷言買方在此明確同意,同意和規定的行使屬人管轄權它,並在任何此類爭議的標的物管轄權,對這類索賠或僅是與任何這樣的法庭訴訟的; 提供的,但是,CHEM可以根據自己的判斷選擇提起訴訟強制執行或保護任何有管轄權的法院CHEM可以選擇創建本協議對買方的權利或義務。如果由於某種原因,這個規定既涉及管轄權和地點都將受到法律的有管轄權的法院被判定為無效或無法執行,那麼雙方達成協議,同意和規定動作的所有此類索賠或原因將被提交並解決在台灣仲裁協會,這樣的仲裁規則,仲裁發生在台北,台灣8.3費用和律師費。如果任何仲裁,訴訟,或要求採取行動提起來解釋或執行銷售條款的規定,收集在售的條款所欠款項,否則就出售的條款的主題,黨通行將有權收回,除了在準備或起訴或辯護這樣的仲裁,訴訟或訴訟發生的費用,合理的律師費是由仲裁機構或法院審判確定,如果上訴是從這樣的決定,合理律師費的上訴決定。8.4 完整協議。銷售條款具有約束力,並維護各方及其各自的繼承人,個人代表,繼承人的利益,及其允許的受讓人。銷售的條款構成本協議有關的題材了雙方之間的全部協議和諒解,並取代雙方達成的一切協議,談判和諒解尊重於此。不陳述,允諾,修改或修訂將任何一方具有約束力作為保證或以其他方式以書面形式作出,並經正式授權的代表簽署了關於代表每一方的。沒有供應商,銷售代表或代理均無權放棄或更改任何條款和條件未經書面接受了其通過CHEM。當官8.5分配。買方根據銷售條款的權利和義務不得轉讓或整體或部分轉讓,通過法律或其他方式,不CHEM,該同意可以在CHEM自行決定被扣留的明確書面同意。8.6 否棄權。一方未能強制執行在任何時候任何銷售條款的規定,或行使任何選舉或選擇在此提供,絕不會被視為放棄此類條款或選項,也沒有以任何方式影響銷售或其任何部分,或該方的強制執行每一個這樣的規定的權利的條款的效力。8.7 無第三方受益人。在銷售,明示或暗示的條款沒有被有意或將被解釋為賦予任何人,但雙方的銷售條款,任何權利,補救,或根據或就出售的條款索賠等。8.8傳真簽字。的任何傳真發送簽名的原始文檔,並且任何簽署傳真傳輸的重傳,將相同輸送原稿。在任何一方的要求,雙方將簽署一個原始文件確認傳真發送簽名。本質的8.9時代。時間是最重要的方面闡述或出售的條款提到,所有日期和時間段8.10遵守法律。(一)一般。每一方將遵守內部和台灣,ROC外的所有適用的法律和法規。如果任何批准就在銷售條款,或它們,需要在任何時間,就使法律效力售條款進行登記,或相對於遵守外匯管理規定或其他法律規定,買方將立即採取任何步驟,可能需要在這方面。買方須承擔與此類法律和法規遵從相關的所有費用。買方將提供CHEM書面證據,滿意的CHEM,所有必需的登記和審批已經取得或獲得的或不作要求,而CHEM沒有義務運送下出售的任何條款設備,直到收到這樣的證據。買方將及時提供給CHEM任何通知或文書,其中指稱違反任何法律或法規的副本。(b)遵守中華民國台灣的出口法律。不限制第8.10(A)的一般性,買方將遵守經濟部的所有有關中華民國台灣的出口管制法律,包括但不限於規則和工業局(“BIS”)的規定。這樣的合規性,包括,但不限於,於CHEM要求台灣中華民國法律買方提供的所有書面保證,以及買方從出口克制,無論是直接的任何商品或技術的或間接的,未獲得任何所需的許可證或其他批准來自國際清算銀行,經濟部,或任何其他有關機關,台灣,中華民國政府部門。如果買方要求CHEM申請此類許可證或其他批准的,買方將承擔與這些應用程序相關的所有費用。買方承認,它可能需要申請此類許可證或其他批准本身,而在這種情況下,不會期待CHEM承擔此類應用程序相關的任何費用。

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