I've never been more bored in my life than I am now. There is nothing on the television, no good internet articles to read, and all my usual friends are often doing their own thing while I'm at home banging my head against a desk. I don't feel like going out anywhere, it is way too hot to leave my somewhat nice air conditioned room. Here I am, sitting at my desk, refusing to do anything. And yet, I'm just craving any sort of stimulation. What is a man to do? I look about my room for things I can accomplish. There are video games I could play. However, I beat them all and the new games all come out in the fall. Stupid summer game drought. I then hear chatter outside my window. Perhaps I can just bug the people around me in hopes of maybe finding someone new to hang out with? Oh wait, I forgot I'm socially awkward and can't get the courage utter two words to a stranger.
Oh, I know! I'll write a story. It's a good way to creatively drain my brain until something else happens. I pick up my pencil to write something down. It takes me a good minute to realize that a computer would be so much better for this. After tossing my pencil to the ceiling only to see I failed to get it stuck in there, I unfold my laptop and load up my word processor. There I sat, staring at the blank page before me. What do I write about? Maybe a journal of my day. Nah, that's too boring. Quickly I decide to minimize the word processor and browse the net for inspiration. There is always an action sci-fi story I've dreamed to one day write. There could be space pirates and robots! Nah, I lack the drive to devote myself into anything more than a short story. Who has time to develop characters? I check my bookmarks for some more ideas. Oh hey, I could do something hot, sexy even! I got it now, a cute love story between and man and a women who just met but knew their feelings to be true at first sight. And then they bone. I am a genius. Maybe I can incorporate my strange and unusual fetish within the text. I know of a small group online who are also into that sort of thing, so I can make a name for myself among that community.
But before I can even type the first word to my smut, there was knocking on my door. Who could it be? All my friends are busy, plus they usually just walk in. I carelessly leave my laptop open, I have nothing to hide, and get up to answer the door. On my way, I peek my head out the window to see a familiar large, brown truck. Oh boy, oh boy! A package for me! Wait a minute, I didn't order anything. Cautiously, I open the door in front of me to find a man clad in brown shorts and hat holding a package. It looked slightly larger than a bread box. Did I just really make that analogy?
After nodding, smiling, signing for the package and not saying a single word throughout all that, I close the door behind me and carry the brown box to my desk. I inspect the box carefully all around, and strangely enough, there was no return address. I mean mine was there, but who was the sender? I do my best to open the box right away, but guess who can't get through that damn tape. Shortly after a quick trip to the kitchen to fetch a knife, I cut the tap along the edges and open the mysterious package. Inside there were tons of those little foam peanuts. I have a love/hate relationship with these things. But what's this? There is a note on the top of it all. I pick up the piece of paper and began to read it.
"Greetings Sean!
I heard you were bored, so I decided to spice up your life with a bit of me. I hope you don't mind this spontaneous gift. I hope to get you something special each week, every Tuesday. Eventually we'll meet face to face, but until then, enjoy your gifts!