1. Spec. to be endorsed and the same to be submitted.
2.Coupling selection chart with Kw & speed marked to be submitted. Maximum power absorbed at input shaft also to be indicated.
3.Expected power consumption at input shaft of the fluid coupling for the different load/speed conditions of the fan as per attached data sheet to be submitted.
4. Hydraulic coupling regulation range 2:1 approx, as per offer. Whereas requirement is 5:1 as per spec. Vendor to confirm 5:1 regulating range.
5. Special tools for Hydraulic coupling and cooler maintenance to be supplied.
6. Companion flange to be supplied for cooler.
7. Copper tube & fittings for impulse piping to be considered as per spec.
8. Commissioning and recommended spares to be offered as per spec.
9. Complete foundation materials hydraulic coupling and coolers to be supplied as per spec.
10. Connecting couplings to be supplied as per spec.
11. Scoop tube control by Pneumatic actuator to be confirmed.
12. Scope of supply as per spec.