Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, nach einmaliger Nutzung der KFZ-Halterung ist das Gummi um es an der Fensterscheibe zu befestigen um Teil abgesprungen. Nach mehrfachen versuchen dies wieder drauf zu bekommen ist mir dies noch nicht gelungen. Wie soll ich weiter damit umgehen?
Ladies and gentlemen, After one-time use of the mount the rubber has jumped off the window pane to attach it to part. After multiple attempt it again to get this yet I failed.What should I do to continue?MFG Dominic Adele
Ladies and gentlemen, after a single use of the car mount is the rubber to fasten it on the window pane jumped to part. After several try this again to get it to me this is not yet done. How should I deal with it on? MFG Dominic Kintgen
Ladies, gentlemen, is disposable after a motor bracket is in rubber window popup fastening part. After several attempts, this time I have not been successful. (how do I continue? Manufacturing kintgen Dominic