Sound Levels
All general-purpose transformers are as quiet, or quieter than
required by NEMA ST-20. Average sound levels are warranted not
to exceed the values listed for each load rating shown in the
adjacent table. Sound characteristics vary between transformers
of identical voltage and kVA rating. The range of variation may be
4 to 8 decibels.
These values apply only to specified test conditions because the
characteristic of the installation can cause them to be higher
under operating conditions. Where acoustical noise is deemed to
be of unusual concern, proper steps should be taken during
installation to minimize audible noise transmission.
TransforMore™ sound levels are ≤67dB and meet specs in the table
below when the fans are off and the transformer is operating at less
than 50% rated load.
Sound Levels (Decibels)1 for 150°C Rise Models
kVA Sound Levels
0 - 9 40
10 - 50 45
51 - 150 50
151 - 300 55
301 - 500 60
1Measured per NEMA ST-20.