is made explicit in the subsequent rendition. In this fashion, the Swedish text was also given in a more correct form, a written-language-style, compared to the original Russian. Extract (2) (G 26:12) Pia: e::: (.) ja i allmänhet tror jag an jag frag- när jag frâga ni sa mcnar jag... alltsâ bade du och din fin. e::: (.) yes in general I think that I as- when I asked you (plural form) then I mean... that is both you (singular form) and your wife. —> Iza: HO eoiH a cnpamuBaio Bac TO S HopMajibHo e::: uMen B BHfly Bac o6onx. 3Ha Iza: Ebi He 3aHHMajiHch7 KeM-To::: (.) HHTepecHbiM? jieTOM. didn't you drt ? something::: (.) interesting? this summer. Iza started out relaying, while Pia simultaneously was adding something to the original. The result was overlapping speech. What was overlapped then, "travelled or...?" has no counterpart in the rendition. Another circumstance leading to reduced renditions is illustrated in extract (4). In the encounter, Pia shortly later took up another question, "what plans do you have for the future?" The applicant replied:
is made explicit in the subsequent rendition. In this fashion, the Swedish text was also given in a more correct form, a written-language-style, compared to the original Russian. Extract (2) (G 26:12) Pia: e::: (.) ja i allmänhet tror jag an jag frag- när jag frâga ni sa mcnar jag... alltsâ bade du och din fin. e::: (.) yes in general I think that I as- when I asked you (plural form) then I mean... that is both you (singular form) and your wife. —> Iza: HO eoiH a cnpamuBaio Bac TO S HopMajibHo e::: uMen B BHfly Bac o6onx. 3Ha Iza: Ebi He 3aHHMajiHch7 KeM-To::: (.) HHTepecHbiM? jieTOM. didn't you drt ? something::: (.) interesting? this summer. Iza started out relaying, while Pia simultaneously was adding something to the original. The result was overlapping speech. What was overlapped then, "travelled or...?" has no counterpart in the rendition. Another circumstance leading to reduced renditions is illustrated in extract (4). In the encounter, Pia shortly later took up another question, "what plans do you have for the future?" The applicant replied: