On a broad scale, this study indicates that benefactors matter. Our key findings confirm the critical role of donor-based revenues in stimulating higher stakeholder engagement per Facebook post. This suggests that organizations that rely on private contributions are likely to place greater emphasis on relationship cultivation via stakeholder engagement on Facebook. These findings are consistent with Mano (2014), who finds that online voluntary engagement and social networking positively impact monetary contributions to nonprofit organizations, as well as Ingenhoff and Koelling (2009), who note that the more charities depend on donors’ income, the more they will acknowledge donors’ commitment and reciprocate with a higher volume of online two-way communication.Stakeholder engagement and lasting relationships result from effectively targeting key publics and tailoring messages to inspire continued interaction (Ledingham, 2003; Ledingham et al., 2000). This study bridges theory and practice by utilizing stewardship theory as a framework to examine social media communication and its potential for building nurturing relationships with organizational publics. However, further research is needed for the theoretical development across the nonprofit and public relations disciplines. A recent study of 500 nonprofits highlights the lack of understanding in the potential uses of social networking sites such as Facebook, and a majority of the respondents believe that benchmarks for Facebook engagement do not exist (Sharma, 2014). Not only are nonprofits missing opportunities to assess their own engagement efforts, they also neglect to use purposeful content directed toward conversation development. To convert stewardship theory to practice, symphony orchestras, and nonprofit organizations in general, are wise to consider their donor publics in conjunction with their income streams. Organizations might better understand how they can strengthen the relation- ship with stakeholders by monitoring their own social media activities and identifying the types of organizational posts that more effectively elicit stakeholder responses.