Two holes
towards the top and bottom of the polypropylene plates acted
as entries and exits for the electrolyte. The interelectrode gap
was controlled with thin Viton gaskets and a polypropylene
electrolyte flow compartment (two thicknesses of compartment,
4 mm and 16 mm were used). Each flow compartment
and gasket had a 10 mm wide, 80 mm long channel machined
at the centre. On each side of the 20 mm20 mm electrodes, 5
mm of active material was scraped away. These edges then
fitted under the gasket so that they were not exposed to the
electrolyte solution and a 10 mm20 mm area of active electrode
protruded into the electrolyte flow channel. The cell was
held together with a small clamp consisting of two steel plates
and four bolts that allowed very rapid dismantling and reconstruction
of the cell.