00:00:02,120 --> 00:00:05,719
High contrast resulting in a relative lack of detail in the brightest and
00:00:05,719 --> 00:00:09,672
darkest areas of an image is somewhat common with older photographs, and that's
00:00:09,672 --> 00:00:13,448
especially true when the only source for that image was a print that you had to
00:00:13,448 --> 00:00:20,760
scan, as opposed to being able to go back to the original transparency.
00:00:20,760 --> 00:00:24,522
Regardless of the reasons, fortunately there's a tool available that can help
00:00:24,522 --> 00:00:29,400
you enhance detail in the brightest and darkest areas of a photo.
00:00:29,400 --> 00:00:32,150
And that tool is called Highlights Shadows.
00:00:32,150 --> 00:00:35,600
Now the Highlights Shadows adjustment is not available as an Adjustment Layer, so
00:00:35,600 --> 00:00:38,750
in order to work non-destructively, we need to make a copy of our background
00:00:38,750 --> 00:00:42,626
image layer. To do so, you can simply drag the
00:00:42,626 --> 00:00:47,083
thumbnail for the Background Image layer, down to the Create New Layer button.
00:00:47,083 --> 00:00:51,570
That's the blank sheet of paper icon, at the bottom of the Layers panel.
00:00:51,570 --> 00:00:56,118
Once you release the mouse over that button, you'll have a Background Copy layer.
00:00:56,118 --> 00:00:59,534
And this allows us to work on that background copy, without affecting the
00:00:59,534 --> 00:01:02,916
original pixel values. So, we can always go back to that
00:01:02,916 --> 00:01:07,500
background image layer if need be. With that background copy layer created
00:01:07,500 --> 00:01:11,280
and making sure it's the active layer on the Layers panel we can then go to the
00:01:11,280 --> 00:01:17,060
Image menu and choose Adjustments followed by Shadows Highlights.
00:01:17,060 --> 00:01:20,984
Choosing this command will bring the Shadows Highlights dialog.
00:01:20,984 --> 00:01:24,937
And you can see that a default adjustment has already been applied, in this case,
00:01:24,937 --> 00:01:28,860
an increase in brightness for the shadows of 35%.
00:01:28,860 --> 00:01:32,459
But before I adjust the settings here, I'm going to turn on the Show More
00:01:32,459 --> 00:01:35,904
Options check box. At first glance, the result can be a
00:01:35,904 --> 00:01:39,490
little bit intimidating. But don't worry, the adjustment controls
00:01:39,490 --> 00:01:42,270
here are actually relatively straight forward.
00:01:42,270 --> 00:01:44,770
Let's start off with the Shadows adjustment.
00:01:44,770 --> 00:01:48,254
Here, we're going to be able to increase the brightness for shadows bringing out
00:01:48,254 --> 00:01:52,006
some additional detail. I'll go ahead and increase the Amount
00:01:52,006 --> 00:01:56,060
slider and you can see that we're opening up more shadow detail.
00:01:56,060 --> 00:01:59,888
Now not all of the shadow detail, you'll notice that I still have some areas that
00:01:59,888 --> 00:02:04,830
are black and that's because those areas had no detail at all.
00:02:04,830 --> 00:02:09,844
And if an area is completely black there's nothing we can do to bring out detail.
00:02:09,844 --> 00:02:12,630
The detail simply doesn't exist in the image.
00:02:12,630 --> 00:02:15,910
But we can improve the overall appearance of the photo.
00:02:15,910 --> 00:02:19,258
I'll go ahead and take that Shadows amount back down to zero and then slowly
00:02:19,258 --> 00:02:22,428
increase it. And you can see that we're opening up a
00:02:22,428 --> 00:02:25,460
fair amount of shadow detail within the photo.
00:02:25,460 --> 00:02:28,808
I'm going to apply an exaggerated adjustment here for a moment just so that
00:02:28,808 --> 00:02:33,310
you can better see the effect of the Tonal Width and Radius sliders.
00:02:33,310 --> 00:02:36,964
The Tonal Width slider determines how dark an area needs to be in order for it
00:02:36,964 --> 00:02:41,464
to be considered shadows. I'll go ahead and drag the slider to the
00:02:41,464 --> 00:02:46,780
left and you'll see that areas that are not especially dark are now being toned down.
00:02:46,780 --> 00:02:50,202
They're not being effected by the Shadows Amount adjustment.
00:02:50,202 --> 00:02:54,232
If I increase the Tonal Width then more and more areas of the image, based on
00:02:54,232 --> 00:02:58,620
their tonality, will have that brightening effect.
00:02:58,620 --> 00:03:01,806
In this case I want to focus the adjustment just on the really dark areas
00:03:01,806 --> 00:03:06,660
of the image. So, I'll use a moderately low Tonal Width value.
00:03:06,660 --> 00:03:10,076
I can then adjust the Radius. Now, we're focusing our adjustment on
00:03:10,076 --> 00:03:14,354
particular tonal values in the image. And as you've seen with Tonal Width we're
00:03:14,354 --> 00:03:17,929
actually defining the size, as it were, of that range of tonal values but there
00:03:17,929 --> 00:03:21,559
needs to be some degree of transition between the areas that are being adjusted
00:03:21,559 --> 00:03:27,630
and the areas that are not. And that's controlled by the Radius value.
00:03:27,630 --> 00:03:31,438
If I increase the value for radius, then the transition will occur across a larger
00:03:31,438 --> 00:03:34,910
distance, and if I use a smaller value, that transition will occur across a
00:03:34,910 --> 00:03:39,552
shorter distance. Notice however, that will a short
00:03:39,552 --> 00:03:44,146
transition, I can end up with some halos. So by the woman's shoulder, and arm here,
00:03:44,146 --> 00:03:48,740
you can see there's a bit of a bright halo just outside the dark arm.
00:03:48,740 --> 00:03:52,185
And that's because the Radius setting is a little bit too low, or you could also
00:03:52,185 --> 00:03:55,800
say that the adjustment is a little bit too strong.
00:03:55,800 --> 00:03:59,277
I'll go ahead and increase the value for Radius, and you'll see that I get a
00:03:59,277 --> 00:04:04,880
better blending of that contrast area. Of course, in this case, my adjustment is
00:04:04,880 --> 00:04:08,517
exaggerated in the first place. I'll go ahead and tone that down just a
00:04:08,517 --> 00:04:11,533
little bit. What I'm actually more interested in in
00:04:11,533 --> 00:04:14,107
this particular image, are the highlights.
00:04:14,107 --> 00:04:18,000
And so I'm going to focus some more attention on the Highlights adjustments.
00:04:18,000 --> 00:04:22,710
Notice that the controls here are exactly the same as those found for Shadows.
00:04:22,710 --> 00:04:26,823
Amount, Tonal Width and Radius and they behave in the exactly the same way.
00:04:26,823 --> 00:04:30,307
Except that we're darkening down the brightest areas as opposed to brightening
00:04:30,307 --> 00:04:34,771
up the darkest areas of the image. I'll go ahead and increase the Amount
00:04:34,771 --> 00:04:38,035
slider for highlights and you'll notice that we start to get a little bit more
00:04:38,035 --> 00:04:42,495
detail in the woman's face. We can adjust the Tonal Width value so
00:04:42,495 --> 00:04:46,457
that we're seeing the effect in some of the darker areas.
00:04:46,457 --> 00:04:50,138
Not just the very bright areas, but also some of those midtones.
00:04:50,138 --> 00:04:53,778
And then we'll see, as I move that Amount slider for highlights back and forth,
00:04:53,778 --> 00:04:58,885
that we're seeing a fair amount of detail brought out in the woman's face.
00:04:58,885 --> 00:05:02,418
In this case requiring a relatively strong adjustment.
00:05:02,418 --> 00:05:06,642
I can then fine tune Radius, as needed, in order to blend the transition into the
00:05:06,642 --> 00:05:10,425
rest of the image. In this case, I don't want too high a
00:05:10,425 --> 00:05:14,110
value for Radius though because that will cause so much blending in a relatively
00:05:14,110 --> 00:05:18,335
small area of the face. Then I'm losing some of the effect of
100:00:02,120--> 00:00:05,719细节中最亮的相对缺乏导致的高对比度和200:00:05,719--> 00:00:09,672最暗的区域图像是一些常见的老照片,这就是300:00:09,672--> 00:00:13,448尤其是当该映像的唯一来源是你不得不打印400:00:13,448--> 00:00:20,760扫描,而不能回到原来的透明度。500:00:20,760--> 00:00:24,522不管出于什么原因,幸运的是还有一个工具可用,可以帮助600:00:24,522--> 00:00:29,400您来增强细节中的一张照片最亮和最暗的区域。700:00:29,400--> 00:00:32,150那个工具叫做突出阴影。800:00:32,150--> 00:00:35,600现在突出阴影调整作为不可用调整图层,所以900:00:35,600--> 00:00:38,750为了非破坏性的工作,我们需要使我们的背景副本1000:00:38,750--> 00:00:42,626图像图层。要这样做,你可以只需拖动1100:00:42,626--> 00:00:47,083缩略图的背景图层,创建新图层按钮。1200:00:47,083--> 00:00:51,570这是图标的张空白的纸,在层面板的底部。1300:00:51,570--> 00:00:56,118一旦您释放鼠标按钮,你会有一个背景副本层。1400:00:56,118--> 00:00:59,534这使我们能够对背景副本,而不会影响工作1500:00:59,534 --> 00:01:02,916original pixel values. So, we can always go back to that1600:01:02,916 --> 00:01:07,500background image layer if need be. With that background copy layer created1700:01:07,500 --> 00:01:11,280and making sure it's the active layer on the Layers panel we can then go to the1800:01:11,280 --> 00:01:17,060Image menu and choose Adjustments followed by Shadows Highlights.1900:01:17,060 --> 00:01:20,984Choosing this command will bring the Shadows Highlights dialog.2000:01:20,984 --> 00:01:24,937And you can see that a default adjustment has already been applied, in this case,2100:01:24,937 --> 00:01:28,860an increase in brightness for the shadows of 35%.2200:01:28,860 --> 00:01:32,459But before I adjust the settings here, I'm going to turn on the Show More2300:01:32,459 --> 00:01:35,904Options check box. At first glance, the result can be a2400:01:35,904 --> 00:01:39,490little bit intimidating. But don't worry, the adjustment controls2500:01:39,490 --> 00:01:42,270here are actually relatively straight forward.2600:01:42,270 --> 00:01:44,770Let's start off with the Shadows adjustment.2700:01:44,770 --> 00:01:48,254Here, we're going to be able to increase the brightness for shadows bringing out2800:01:48,254 --> 00:01:52,006some additional detail. I'll go ahead and increase the Amount2900:01:52,006 --> 00:01:56,060slider and you can see that we're opening up more shadow detail.3000:01:56,060 --> 00:01:59,888Now not all of the shadow detail, you'll notice that I still have some areas that3100:01:59,888 --> 00:02:04,830are black and that's because those areas had no detail at all.3200:02:04,830 --> 00:02:09,844And if an area is completely black there's nothing we can do to bring out detail.3300:02:09,844 --> 00:02:12,630The detail simply doesn't exist in the image.3400:02:12,630 --> 00:02:15,910But we can improve the overall appearance of the photo.3500:02:15,910 --> 00:02:19,258I'll go ahead and take that Shadows amount back down to zero and then slowly3600:02:19,258 --> 00:02:22,428increase it. And you can see that we're opening up a3700:02:22,428 --> 00:02:25,460fair amount of shadow detail within the photo.3800:02:25,460 --> 00:02:28,808I'm going to apply an exaggerated adjustment here for a moment just so that3900:02:28,808 --> 00:02:33,310you can better see the effect of the Tonal Width and Radius sliders.4000:02:33,310 --> 00:02:36,964The Tonal Width slider determines how dark an area needs to be in order for it4100:02:36,964 --> 00:02:41,464to be considered shadows. I'll go ahead and drag the slider to the4200:02:41,464 --> 00:02:46,780left and you'll see that areas that are not especially dark are now being toned down.4300:02:46,780 --> 00:02:50,202They're not being effected by the Shadows Amount adjustment.4400:02:50,202 --> 00:02:54,232If I increase the Tonal Width then more and more areas of the image, based on4500:02:54,232 --> 00:02:58,620their tonality, will have that brightening effect.4600:02:58,620 --> 00:03:01,806In this case I want to focus the adjustment just on the really dark areas4700:03:01,806 --> 00:03:06,660of the image. So, I'll use a moderately low Tonal Width value.4800:03:06,660 --> 00:03:10,076I can then adjust the Radius. Now, we're focusing our adjustment on4900:03:10,076 --> 00:03:14,354particular tonal values in the image. And as you've seen with Tonal Width we're5000:03:14,354 --> 00:03:17,929actually defining the size, as it were, of that range of tonal values but there5100:03:17,929 --> 00:03:21,559needs to be some degree of transition between the areas that are being adjusted5200:03:21,559 --> 00:03:27,630and the areas that are not. And that's controlled by the Radius value.5300:03:27,630 --> 00:03:31,438If I increase the value for radius, then the transition will occur across a larger5400:03:31,438 --> 00:03:34,910distance, and if I use a smaller value, that transition will occur across a5500:03:34,910 --> 00:03:39,552shorter distance. Notice however, that will a short5600:03:39,552 --> 00:03:44,146transition, I can end up with some halos. So by the woman's shoulder, and arm here,5700:03:44,146 --> 00:03:48,740you can see there's a bit of a bright halo just outside the dark arm.5800:03:48,740 --> 00:03:52,185And that's because the Radius setting is a little bit too low, or you could also5900:03:52,185 --> 00:03:55,800say that the adjustment is a little bit too strong.6000:03:55,800 --> 00:03:59,277I'll go ahead and increase the value for Radius, and you'll see that I get a6100:03:59,277 --> 00:04:04,880better blending of that contrast area. Of course, in this case, my adjustment is6200:04:04,880 --> 00:04:08,517exaggerated in the first place. I'll go ahead and tone that down just a6300:04:08,517 --> 00:04:11,533little bit. What I'm actually more interested in in6400:04:11,533 --> 00:04:14,107this particular image, are the highlights.6500:04:14,107 --> 00:04:18,000And so I'm going to focus some more attention on the Highlights adjustments.6600:04:18,000 --> 00:04:22,710Notice that the controls here are exactly the same as those found for Shadows.6700:04:22,710 --> 00:04:26,823Amount, Tonal Width and Radius and they behave in the exactly the same way.6800:04:26,823 --> 00:04:30,307Except that we're darkening down the brightest areas as opposed to brightening6900:04:30,307 --> 00:04:34,771up the darkest areas of the image. I'll go ahead and increase the Amount7000:04:34,771 --> 00:04:38,035slider for highlights and you'll notice that we start to get a little bit more7100:04:38,035--> 00:04:42,495在女人的脸的细节。所以我们可以调整色调宽度值7200:04:42,495--> 00:04:46,457我们可以看到在一些比较暗的区域效应。7300:04:46,457--> 00:04:50,138不只是非常明亮的区域,但也有些那些中间色调。7400:04:50,138--> 00:04:53,778然后我们会看到,当我移动量滑块为突出来来回回,7500:04:53,778--> 00:04:58,885我们可以看到大量的细节,在女人的脸出来。7600:04:58,885--> 00:05:02,418在这种情况下需要较强的调整。7700:05:02,418--> 00:05:06,642我可以然后微调半径,如需混合成的过渡7800:05:06,642--> 00:05:10,425图像的其余部分。在这种情况下,我不想太高7900:05:10,425--> 00:05:14,110虽然为半径价值,因为这将导致这么多混相对较8000:05:14,110--> 00:05:18,335小面积的脸。然后我要失去一些的效果