This is a point that also Zadeh Mohammadi and Malek Khosravi (2006) greatly emphasized it. They believed that when family patterns are helpful to achieve goals, family is efficient from aspect of function. When family patterns are not useful to achieve goals, interactions are occurred with stress and sick behaviors and the family will be inefficient. The role of the family and its function in girl students’ internet addiction have been less considered, therefore, this research aims to investigate the role of the family in internet addiction among adolescent girl students in high schools in Malard. The reason for selecting girl students is that the results of studies show that this phenomenon among girl students has a more prevalence than that among boy students (Shepherad, 2005). This research aims to determine the relationship betweenfamily function and internet addiction among students. According to opinions of school counselors and experts in Malard about stating five main problems among high school students of this city which have been stated in order of preference, the results of their opinions showed that intemperate use of internet and computer games are a part of main problems of students in this city and is placed in the first five preferences. The most important reasons for selecting the subject of this study are as follows: allowed immigration to this city, diversity of the culture, low level of life among a majority of people, cultural poverty, role of family in filling these gaps, and also lack of similar studies in this field in Malard.