In order to improve the technology of Nano-composite electroless plating, studied under electromagnetic, ultrasonic composite of Nano-composite coating prepared by deposition mechanism. To single frosted glass for substrate, selection pH for 4.8 of acid chemical plated liquid, and in 20kHz, and 300W ultrasonic Xia, change plus magnetic field strength, fixed grain trail 20 nm nano SiC of content 1 g/l, through series technology test optimization obtained has composite coating, on its micro morphology, and ingredients and the phase composed for has analysis, and through control magnetic field strength and ultrasonic parameter, and used time points step deposition law discussion has chemical composite plated of deposition mechanism.
Test results show that theMagnetic field auxiliary Xia of composite coating surface tight sexual and uniform sexual obviously is superior to is not plus outfield of composite coating of, and magnetic field and ultrasound field auxiliary Xia of composite coating surface quality best, in magnetic field strength for 0.58 t to around Shi composite coating by Reunion into spherical of particles composed, each spherical particles about for 100nm, size uniform, diffusion distribution, particles and particles Zhijian no obviously clearance, plated film tight, average film thick for 7 μ m, performance better; best of preparation Nano chemical composite plated technology for: nano SiC 1g /L, electrolyte pH value of 4.8, applying coating temperature 50 ° c, frequency 20 KHz ultrasonic, ultrasonic power 300 w, magnetic field intensity is 0.58 t, Shi plated time 50 min; Nano chemical composite coating of hardness than single frosted glass substrate big; magnetic field of joined makes coating more non-crystal of, and magnetic field more big, effect more significantly; crystal of processing Hou, coating particles size uniform, structure tight, due to analysis hydrogen phenomenon coating organization still has few has voids or holes of exists, while coating of hardness has reduced; magnetic field through on specimen Lorentz force have plated liquid in the of particles movement more dramatic, while interference electronic of since Rotary situation makes its occurred Zeeman split, Impeding the reaction entropy; mechanical energy of ultrasonic vibrations,Substrate surface while allowing the activation of Ni plating restoring deposited on the substrate surface, composite field, ultrasonic and magnetic field interactions, formation of uniform density, pore-free nano-SiC/Ni-P composite coating.