Individual grains of teosinte have a hard, flinty endosperm like popcorn. When they are heated, water contained within the starchy endosperm expands as steam, and the hard-shelled grains literally explode. Other varieties of modern corn, such as the delicious sweet corn sold in markets, have soft kernels with a sugary endosperm. The large populations and impressive cultural achievements of the Aztecs, Mayas and Incas would have been impossible without the coevolution of corn. Although the hard, colorful grains of Indian corn have been used for necklaces, early people probably realized the potential of this plant for food and began cultivating it. The use of Job's tears also dates back thousands of years, but the value of this plant for human adornment was apparently greater than its value for food.
Individual grains of teosinte have a hard, flinty endosperm like popcorn. When they are heated, water contained within the starchy endosperm expands as steam, and the hard-shelled grains literally explode. Other varieties of modern corn, such as the delicious sweet corn sold in markets, have soft kernels with a sugary endosperm. The large populations and impressive cultural achievements of the Aztecs, Mayas and Incas would have been impossible without the coevolution of corn. Although the hard, colorful grains of Indian corn have been used for necklaces, early people probably realized the potential of this plant for food and began cultivating it. The use of Job's tears also dates back thousands of years, but the value of this plant for human adornment was apparently greater than its value for food.