Given these call forecasts, Lenny must now decide howto staff the call center during each 2 hour shift of a weekday.During the forecasting project, Creative Chaos Consultantsclosely observed the operators working at the individual clinics and departments and determined the number of calls operators process per hour. The consultants informed Lenny thatan operator is able to process an average of six calls per hour.Lenny also knows that he has both full-time and part-timeworkers available to staff the call center. A full-time employeeworks 8 hours per day, but because of paperwork that mustalso be completed, the employee spends only 4 hours per dayon the phone. To balance the schedule, the employee alternates the 2-hour shifts between answering phones and completing paperwork. Full-time employees can start their day either by answering phones or by completing paperwork on thefirst shift. The full-time employees speak either Spanish orEnglish, but none of them are bilingual. Both Spanish-speaking and English-speaking employees are paid $10 per hourfor work before 5 P.M. and $12 per hour for work after 5 P.M.The full-time employees can begin work at the beginning ofthe 7 A.M. to 9 A.M. shift, 9 A.M. to 11 A.M. shift, 11 A.M. to1 P.M. shift, or 1 P.M. to 3 P.M. shift. The part-time employeeswork for 4 hours, only answer calls, and only speak English.They can start work at the beginning of the 3 P.M. to 5 P.M.shift or the 5 P.M. to 7 P.M. shift, and like the full-time employees, they are paid $10 per hour for work before 5 P.M.and $12 per hour for work after 5 P.M.For the following analysis consider only the labor costfor the time employees spend answering phones. The costfor paperwork time is charged to other cost centers.