A. Yes sir. There is a discussion about finding a hotel, they then go around and get the victim's bank book. Usually a roll of 100 and 500 dollars is shown to the victim by the sailor, after showing him that he can get his money in and out of the bank. They will take the victim to the bank, he gets his money out and shows it to the sailor. The sailor will then grab the money and get the victim's money in his hand and tell the victim what a wonderful man he is, and he will have a handkerchief or a bag or a container he can put the money in. So he will take the victim's money, put it in the handkerchief and tell him what a wonderful man he is. He also will take the award money and put the money in the sack and hand it back to the victim. At that time the victim has his own money and then the money the suspect had carried. The victim will start to put it into his pocket, coat pocket, inside pocket or even in his hand. The sailor grabs the package back and says, 'Oh no, man, like my momma used to tell me,' and he will open the victim's shirt and put the package back into there in [261 Cal. App. 2d 215] between the flesh and the shirt, then button it back up. As he grabs the shirt, the No. 2 suspect will turn the victim's attention by saying something to him just after the sailor has taken the money back. At that time the switch is made and the package is inserted and when the victim gets back to deposit his money he finds he has newspapers or worthless articles and his money has gone south with the sailor.
A. Yes sir. There is a discussion about finding a hotel, they then go around and get the victim's bank book. Usually a roll of 100 and 500 dollars is shown to the victim by the sailor, after showing him that he can get his money in and out of the bank. They will take the victim to the bank, he gets his money out and shows it to the sailor. The sailor will then grab the money and get the victim's money in his hand and tell the victim what a wonderful man he is, and he will have a handkerchief or a bag or a container he can put the money in. So he will take the victim's money, put it in the handkerchief and tell him what a wonderful man he is. He also will take the award money and put the money in the sack and hand it back to the victim. At that time the victim has his own money and then the money the suspect had carried. The victim will start to put it into his pocket, coat pocket, inside pocket or even in his hand. The sailor grabs the package back and says, 'Oh no, man, like my momma used to tell me,' and he will open the victim's shirt and put the package back into there in [261 Cal. App. 2d 215] between the flesh and the shirt, then button it back up. As he grabs the shirt, the No. 2 suspect will turn the victim's attention by saying something to him just after the sailor has taken the money back. At that time the switch is made and the package is inserted and when the victim gets back to deposit his money he finds he has newspapers or worthless articles and his money has gone south with the sailor.