Cena: od 75,00 €
Datumi odhodov: 5.11.2016
Trajanje: 1 dan
Prevoz: muzejski vlak
Program izleta
Ob 8.50 odhod muzejske kompozicije z Jesenic mimo Bleda (prihod
ob 09.00) in Bohinjske Bistrice (prihod ob 09.45) proti postaji Most
na Soči (izstop potnikov, prijavljenih na izlet v Kobarid in na Most na
Soči) in Kanal (izstop potnikov, prijavljenih na izlet v Goriška Brda in
Sabotin). Nadaljevanje vožnje vlaka s potniki, prijavljenimi na »vožnjo brez
programa«, do Nove Gorice (prihod vlaka ob 12.00).
Vožnja po Bohinjski progi je prav gotovo posebno doživetje. Pogledi na
Blejsko jezero, na številne soteske, grape in predore, med katerimi je
najdaljši dolg kar 6.327 m, so nepozabni. Na vlaku je za potnike dobro
poskrbljeno. Za vzdušje skrbijo vodniki in animatorji. V sestavi vlaka pa
je tudi bife vagon, kjer se lahko okrepčamo.
Izstopimo lahko na vseh navedenih postajah in si organiziramo dan po
svojih željah. Tiste, ki bi zanimivosti ob progi raje raziskali v spremstvu
vodnikov, pa vabimo, da se nam pridružite na enem od organiziranih izletov.
Ob 16.45 se muzejski vlak iz Nove Gorice po isti progi vrača proti
Jesenicam, kamor prispe ob 19.40.
Cena na osebo: 41,00 €
Otroci 6-12 let: 25,00 €
Otroci do 6 let: brezplačno
V ceno je vključeno:
vožnja z muzejskim vlakom z Jesenic do Nove Gorice in
animacijski program
organizacijo izleta in DDV.
Price: from € 75.00Departure dates: 5.11.2016Duration: 1 dayTransport: train museumThe program of the tripAt $ 8.50 starting compositions from Jesenice Museum past the Pale (arrivalat 09.00) and Bohinjska Bistrica (arrival at 0945) against the station Bridgeon the Soča River (exit of passengers, reported on a trip to Los Angeles and on the bridge at theMost na soči) and channel (exit of passengers, reported on a trip to the Goriška Brda andSabotin). Continuation of the driving of the train with passengers, reported to run withoutthe programme ", to Nova Gorica (the arrival of the train at 12:00).On the Bohinj railway is certainly a unique experience. Views on theLake Bled, the numerous canyons, ravines and tunnels, one of which isthe longest long that are unforgettable m 6,327. It's good for passengers on the traintaken care of. For the atmosphere of caring guides and entertainers. In the trainThere is also a buffet car where you can okrepčamo.We can take on all these stations and organize the day afterto your liking. Those who would prefer to investigate the trackside attractions inguides, and invite you to join us on one of the organised trips.At 4.45 p.m. the Museum train from Nova Gorica along the same route back toward theBegunje executed by, where it arrives at 19.40.Price per person: € 41.00Children 6-12 years: € 25.00Children up to 6 years: freeIn the price is included:driving a steam train from Jesenice to Nova Gorica andbackanimation programmemanagement of thethe organisation of the trip and VAT.PRODUCT ABC353

Price: from € 75.00
Departure dates: 05/11/2016
Duration: 1 day
Transportation: The steam train
excursion program
at 8.50 am departure museum composition Jesenice past Bled (arrival
at 09.00) and Bohinjska Bistrica (arriving at 9:45) to the station Most
na Soci (unloading passengers, reported on a trip to Kobarid and Most na
Soci) and channel (unloading passengers, reported on a trip to Goriška Brda and
Sabotin). Continued driving a train with passengers declared to "driving without a
program" to Nova Gorica (arrival of a train at 12.00).
Driving along the Bohinj railway is certainly a unique experience. Views of
Lake Bled, in a number of gorges, ravines and tunnels, including the
longest of which 6,327 m are unforgettable. On the train for passengers well
taken care of. For the atmosphere of care guides and animators. The composition of the train
is also a buffet car where we can rest.
Can exit at all those stations and organize your day according to
your own preferences. Those who would attractions along the route rather studied, accompanied by
guides, are invited to join us on one of the organized tours.
At 16:45, the museum train from Nova Gorica along the same route back to
Jesenice, which arrives at 19.40.
Price per person: € 41.00
Children 6-12 years: € 25.00
Children up to 6 years: free
the price includes:
Steam train ride from Jesenice to Nova Gorica and
entertainment program
organization of the trip and VAT.

price: $75,00the dates of departure: 5.11.2016duration: 1 daytransport: a trainthe tripat 8.50 a.m. departure museum. with jesenic by pale (arrivalat 09.00) and bohinjske bistrice (arrival at 09.45) against the station bridgein sochi (exit of passengers, reported the trip in kobarid and bridgesochi) and channel (exit of passengers, reported the trip in goriška reeds andsabotin). the drive train with passengers, reported to the »vožnjo withouta new programa«, gorizia (train arrival at noon).driving after bohinjski track is definitely special. views onblejsko lake, numerous gorge, ravine and tunnels, one of which isas long as 6.327 m, are unforgettable. on the train for passengers goodtaken care of. for the care guides and animators. in a train.it is also a buffet car, where can okrepčamo.out of those stations and you can have the day aftertheir wishes. those who would prefer to explore the attractions in line withguides, are invited to join us in one of the organized trips.at 16.45 is a new train of the same route back to goriziajesenicam where arrives at 7:40.price: 41,00 euros per personchildren 6 to 12 years: 25,00.children under 6 years: free of chargethe price has included:a museum with jesenic to gorizia and train newbackanimacijski programmanagementthe trip and vat.the product abc353