The magicienne closed the front again. “Let’s see if we can take this to the next level!” Chardonnay reversed the direction she was turning the handle, and the box began to expand- but the outline on the front stayed the same, blank space forming above Kaitlyn’s shoulders as her feet got lower. Her head started sinking into the box, pulled through the gasket until it was halfway gone. She blinked, then her eyes vanished as the top rose above them. Soon her head was fully inside, and Chardonnay placed another loop of elastic on the shoulders of the outline to form her head, then opened the front.
Kaitlyn blinked again. “Hello,” she said, waving a hand from her very abbreviated body. Chardonnay slammed the front closed, then pulled out the feather again and, very briefly, started tickling the feet dangling from beneath the box. “Help! Ha hee hee haa!” came her victim’s muffled voice from within.
Chardonnay put the feather away, and reached in through the gasket. “Hey! No biting!” She pulled her hand out, holding Kaitlyn’s miniskirt and top. “There, serves you right.” She flipped a disk into place on the top of the box, covering the hole that Kaitlyn’s head had poked out of. Once again, she reached for the handle. “Our box is now 17” tall, making Kaitlyn roughly 25” tall.” She started turning the crank. “Now it’s down to twelve inches,” she said, as the new part of the outline began compressing along with the old. “And back to six inches again. Which would make Kaitlyn 14” tall, if anyone’s still counting.”
Chardonnay pulled the crank out of the side. “Anyway, I don’t think I can make the box any shorter without risking breaking something.” She smiled, and placed the crank on top of one of the poles suspending the box. “However…” She started turning, and the poles began to move towards each other. There was a muffled expression of surprise from inside the box, as the magicienne turned the crank until it was as deep and wide as it was tall. Kaitlyn’s feet, dangling from beneath, wiggled frantically as Chardonnay tickled them with her fingernail, then grasped them with her hands. She lifted, and the box slid out from between the poles, a cube, six inches to a side, with barely enough room for Kaitlyn’s feet to emerge from.
Holding it in one hand, she opened the front. The inside was filled with a flesh-colored square, some dark bangs hanging from the top. Chardonnay thought for a moment, then grinned wickedly, and popped open the lid, then yanked the front of the bottom out, and set the feet on the ground. She rapped the back of the box sharply; the cuffs sprung open, and her victim popped out, now just a tiny ball on two dainty, bare feet, the wavy dark hair trailing behind across the stage. Two eyes opened on the ball and blinked, expectantly.
“Oh, you’re waiting for something? Ah, yes- ladies and gentlemen, please, a big hand for Kaitlyn!” The audience applauded as the little ball hopped around the stage. The stage hand scooped her up as he removed the box and poles.
“Bob, treat her gently, please,” Chardonnay waved to Kaitlyn as she was whisked off the stage. She turned back to the audience. “Now things are getting started! Who wants to help me next?”
Surprisingly (or maybe not so surprisingly) there were more volunteers...
The magicienne closed the front again. “Let’s see if we can take this to the next level!” Chardonnay reversed the direction she was turning the handle, and the box began to expand- but the outline on the front stayed the same, blank space forming above Kaitlyn’s shoulders as her feet got lower. Her head started sinking into the box, pulled through the gasket until it was halfway gone. She blinked, then her eyes vanished as the top rose above them. Soon her head was fully inside, and Chardonnay placed another loop of elastic on the shoulders of the outline to form her head, then opened the front.Kaitlyn blinked again. “Hello,” she said, waving a hand from her very abbreviated body. Chardonnay slammed the front closed, then pulled out the feather again and, very briefly, started tickling the feet dangling from beneath the box. “Help! Ha hee hee haa!” came her victim’s muffled voice from within.Chardonnay put the feather away, and reached in through the gasket. “Hey! No biting!” She pulled her hand out, holding Kaitlyn’s miniskirt and top. “There, serves you right.” She flipped a disk into place on the top of the box, covering the hole that Kaitlyn’s head had poked out of. Once again, she reached for the handle. “Our box is now 17” tall, making Kaitlyn roughly 25” tall.” She started turning the crank. “Now it’s down to twelve inches,” she said, as the new part of the outline began compressing along with the old. “And back to six inches again. Which would make Kaitlyn 14” tall, if anyone’s still counting.”Chardonnay pulled the crank out of the side. “Anyway, I don’t think I can make the box any shorter without risking breaking something.” She smiled, and placed the crank on top of one of the poles suspending the box. “However…” She started turning, and the poles began to move towards each other. There was a muffled expression of surprise from inside the box, as the magicienne turned the crank until it was as deep and wide as it was tall. Kaitlyn’s feet, dangling from beneath, wiggled frantically as Chardonnay tickled them with her fingernail, then grasped them with her hands. She lifted, and the box slid out from between the poles, a cube, six inches to a side, with barely enough room for Kaitlyn’s feet to emerge from.Holding it in one hand, she opened the front. The inside was filled with a flesh-colored square, some dark bangs hanging from the top. Chardonnay thought for a moment, then grinned wickedly, and popped open the lid, then yanked the front of the bottom out, and set the feet on the ground. She rapped the back of the box sharply; the cuffs sprung open, and her victim popped out, now just a tiny ball on two dainty, bare feet, the wavy dark hair trailing behind across the stage. Two eyes opened on the ball and blinked, expectantly.“Oh, you’re waiting for something? Ah, yes- ladies and gentlemen, please, a big hand for Kaitlyn!” The audience applauded as the little ball hopped around the stage. The stage hand scooped her up as he removed the box and poles.
“Bob, treat her gently, please,” Chardonnay waved to Kaitlyn as she was whisked off the stage. She turned back to the audience. “Now things are getting started! Who wants to help me next?”
Surprisingly (or maybe not so surprisingly) there were more volunteers...