Many sport organizations today are vying for customers and attempting to satisfy them through quality service. Providing customers with quality service may determine the success of a sport organization. Interestingly, service quality was not recognized as a major area of research in the sport industry until the late 1980s (Crompton, MacKay, & Fesenmaier, 1991).While studies of service quality have focused on identifying dimensions of quality in recreational sport level(i.e., fitness, leisure and recreation services), there is no consensus as to the content of the dimensions to date. Therefore, it is important to reexamine the dimensions of service quality in recreational sport. In addition, current service quality researchers (Brady & Cronin,2001; Dabholkar et al., 1996) suggest that service quality is multidimensional and hierarchical in nature. The purpose of this paper is to present and empirically test a conceptual model of service quality for recreational sport.