So, accompanied only by Sergeant Carrasco, we left camp at ten o’clock on July 24 th. After a walk of three-quarters of an hour, Arteaga left the main<br>road and plunged down through the<br>jungle to the bank of the river. Here there was a primitive bridge that crossed the roaring<br>rapids at its narrowest part. I confessed that I got down on my hands and knees and crawled<br>across, six inches at a time. Leaving<br>the stream, we now struggled up the bank through dense<br>jungle and in a few minutes reached the bottom of a very steep slope. For an hour and twenty<br>minutes we had a hard climb. A good part of the distance we went on all fours... The humidity<br>was great. The<br>heat was excessive; and I was not in training! There were no ruins of any kind<br>in sight. I began to think my companions had made the right choice.