Ann looked over and saw the magician raise his arms, when he brought them down again she felt cold steel blade slide into the freshly made cut. The crowed saw two blades with the profile shape of a woman slide through Ann's body from the back. The two stage hands that strapped Ann to the board came out on the stage. Each grabbed a side of the board and pulled the two halves of Ann apart. Ann first thought she was going to be sick from the distortion of having her eyes go in separate directions. The magician walked between Ann's two halves turned and stood there. Sam's poor girl has regained consciousness; the magician motioned her to come up on stage. At first she refused but a stern look from Sam sent her up on the stage. "Miss, will you kindly feel Ann and make sure that it's really her shackled and sawn in half." The magician told her. The girl looked relieved that that was all she was being asked to do. She ran her hand up over Ann's hip then over her bare breast. Ann felt the woman's warm hand on her body.