Patty: So now we just mentioned Dasi, Dougan will first think of it! This is the most famous Dasi "Old Uncle now halogen tofu" You can try it. <br><br>Harry: wow! This is especially tasty, and why there is a brown sauce?
Patty: So now whenever you mention Tahiti, you'll think of bean-dried beans first! This home is Tahiti's most famous "old Aberystwyth dried" you can eat and watch.<br><br>Harry: Wow! It tastes special, why is the sauce in here coffee?
Patty: so now when we talk about Daxi, we all think of dried beans first! This is Daxi's most famous "old Aberdeen stewed bean curd". You can eat it.<br>Harry: Wow! It's very special. Why is the sauce Brown?<br>