Waiting could not afford books, had to borrow books to read.At that time, the book is very valuable, there are books people will not easily lend.Kuang Heng in the busy season, day laborers to wealthy families, not wages, only people borrow books for him.
after a few years, Kuangheng grew up, became the home of the main labor force.He worked all day in the ground, only noon Xie Shang of time, just have time to read more books, so a book often ten days to finish a half months.Very anxious, thought: during the day to plant crops, no time to read a book, I can use some time to read a book.However Kuangheng poor family,Can not afford to buy oil for the light, how to do?
one day in the evening, the Kuang Heng lie in bed back during the day and read a book.Carry back, suddenly see the light coming through a wall.He ho stood up, went to see a side wall, ah!Originally from the wall through the crack of the neighbors lights.Then, the Kuang Heng thought a way: he took a knife, sew a wall to dig big some.Thus, through to the light are also great, and he came in light penetration Couzhao, book to read.
Kuangheng is so hard to learn, later became a very learned man.