Workplace bullying is defined as repeated unwanted and poten- tially harmful behavior directed at one or more workers, by one or more members of an organization, where the target has diffi- culty defending herself or himself against these acts (Olweus, 1991). Workplace bullying has further been described as a grad- ually escalating process and not an either-or phenomenon (Einarsen, Hoel, Zapf & Cooper, 2011; Einarsen & Skogstad, 1996). Since the 1990’s, bullying has been documented as a serious and widespread work environment problem (Hogh, Mikkelsen & Hansen, 2011), and its prevalence among European workers has been estimated to be somewhere between 3 and 15%, depending on cultural factors and how it is operationalized (Zapf, Escartın, Einarsen, Hoel & Vartia, 2011). Research on why such negative behavior occurs is therefore extremely impor- tant in order to prevent further incidents of bullying and detri- mental outcomes for those targeted.