Stable Clear WinThe reactive mind is like a giant magnet, a giant minus pole, imposed on a being creating a mirror of all it's qualities and that mirror is the MEST universe. On the tone scale this magnet is 1.1 as it tells the being hey, I am just like you, let's be best friends and merge together so the being says hey that's cool and next thing you know gets sucked down into the abyss while believing the whole time that it's best friend the mest universe ( reactive mind) is something it needs to hold on to. It's like a kid playing a video game which mirrors all the kids fantasies and next thing you know the kid can't stop playing the game and gets sucked into wanting to play it more and more and then the parent eventually has to say 10 hours later ,hey sweetheart, you know it's enough , time to take a walk and extrovert.Considera L. Ron Hubbard the guy who says, hey you've been at it long enough now, time to exit and take a walk in your theta universe again.Thank you so much for that ,I think a few quadrillion years in this antimatter aka the reactive mind exhausted me pretty good !