A very exciting time should come for you especially if you’re single and ready to mingle on December 1st. This is going to be a time when if you’re looking to meet someone new you’re going to make a very positive impression. Even if you’re not out there to look to meet somebody new it’s not going to take that much for you too to make a good impression on someone that could be a long term partner. It could be that a friend turns into a lover or a lover acts more like a friend. Definitely the first week should be quite active for your social life and love life.
You also want to keep an eye on December 6, December 8th, December 21st, December 24th and December 25th is very positive dates for love and relationships and to be social and make new friends. It’s really going to be a positive time for you to get out and build some great connections including connections for your career and work opportunities.
The Sun enters your fourth house of home on December 21st The next four weeks will bring a time for you to relocate, renovate or make some changes repairs around the home. Someone may move in or move out of the home. You may purchase a new home or sign a lease to an apartment.
Venus will enter your fifth house of love and children on December 7th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to find love, fall in love and spend time with children. You also enjoy creative and artistic projects including music, dancing, singing, movies, theater and other creative arts. You also enjoy spending time with children and possibly even enjoying sports and hobbies with them. It is a time when you will enjoy the company of friends and family. You may attend a concert or even find yourself near a bar or club.
Mercury enters your 4th house of home on December 2nd giving you 3 weeks to focus on the home including signing contracts relating to the home. You may relocate or make changes in the home. It is safe to sign contracts relating to the home or to take care of family issues and concerns.
The full moon on December 14th will fall in your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to possibly travel. There could be the possibility of you taking two trips long distance or it could be that people from afar come to visit you. Jupiter and Mars will bring positive energy to the full moon so this seems to be a very positive and social time for you to get out and spend time with family and friends.
The new moon on December 29th will fall in your 4th house of home. The next two weeks bring the time for you to relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It is also a time when you could make some renovations or repairs around the home. It could be that someone moves in or moves out of the home. It seems to be a time when you could make changes around the home that could also bring some profit or gains to the home.
On December 1, 6, 9, 12, 25th and 26th seems to be a very positive time for you. You seem more optimistic of your future and thinking more of long term plans and benefits for the future. There can be great opportunities that come your way.
You can expect to work hard for the money but also be very productive with work projects on December 31st. It is the day that for some people could be a holiday or vacation time before many others it’s going to be time to work hard and to keep busy so you can expect to be productive but get work done. As you complete the year it seems to be a time for you to socialize and build new connections so you can build a successful career for the new year.
Mars will enter your 6th house of work, service and health on December 19th. The next seven weeks will bring a time for you to work hard for the money. It will also be a time for you to exercise and lose weight easily. If you have been indulging and fatty foods and sweets then you will enjoy having Mars enter your 6th house as you would discipline yourself to exercise on a regular basis so you can keep your weight down. You may also focus on the health of pet as this may be a time to take care of routine checkups and exams. It may also be a time for you to take care of any medical issues or concerns for you or someone else.