The infiltration station mainly serves the mechanical purpose of infiltrating the water into the ground, rather than serving to promote treatment reactions. An infiltration station is well engineered if water infiltrates into the ground without disruption to the ground and without clogging, etc, over a long service life.
In traditional septic-tank wastewater treatment systems, the aeration station and the infiltration station have been combined in a single structure, comprising a tile-bed soak- away. The first aspect of the present invention relates to treatment systems in which the aeration station is a separate structure from the infiltration station, and follows generally from the technologies disclosed in the following U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,707,513 5,762,784 5,980,739 5,997,747 6,063,268 6,156,094.
In its first aspect, the present invention is aimed mainly at providing a new form of treatment station in which the water is presented most efficaciously to a body of treatment material. One aim is to improve the efficiency of utilisation of premium space. The invention, in its first aspect, may be utilised generally for removing contaminants from water, but the advantages of the invention are very marked in the case of the aerobic treatment station, to vigorously promote the carbonaceous-BOD oxidation reactions, and this first aspect of the invention is described mainly as it relates to an aeration station. It is intended that an aeration station, in this new form, should require no more input of ingredients or energy, and no more attention or service, than is required in traditional conventional septic tank systems. (It should be understood, in this context, that conventional septic treatment systems sometimes include electric pumps and other active components, and septic systems commonly need to be serviced every year or two.)
入渗站主要服务于机械水渗入地下,而不是用以促进治疗反应的目的。入渗站设计得很好如果水渗入地面无中断到地面并没有堵塞,等等,在较长的使用寿命。在传统化粪池的污水处理系统,采用了曝气站和渗透站相结合一个单一的结构,包括瓷砖床的浸泡-走了。本发明的第一个方面涉及到处理系统曝气站是一个单独的结构从渗透站,和一般遵循从披露以下美国专利中的技术。号 5,707,513 5,762,784 5,980,739 5,997,747 6,063,268 6,156,094。在其第一个方面,本发明主要被针对于提供一种新形式的水最有效地提交给一个机构处理材料的处理站。目标之一是提高效率的溢价空间的充分利用。本发明,在第一层面,可能可用于一般污染物去除水,但是本发明的优点是很明显在好氧处理站的情况下,为了大力促进碳质 BOD 氧化反应和发明这个第一个方面的描述主要是因为它涉及到曝气站。其目的是曝气站,在这种新形式,应要求没有更多投入的原料和能源,和没有更多关注或服务,比传统的常规化粪池系统的要求。(它应该被了解,在这种情况下,常规脓毒症治疗系统有时包括电泵以及其他活性成分,和化粪池系统通常需要提供服务每一年或两年。)