Hello! Here''s the news. Things are progressing well in the Philippines. So, I don''t say excellent, since everybody evidenced malfunctions in the work of POs, which surely makes all nervous, however, I''d like to say the following: all these failures are just the determinants that the System is developing too fast. Absolutely all firms and companies face the same from time to time. The main thing is that they don''t have a steady nature. But we experience just single instances :-). Therefore they can''t give any particular troubles at all. Moreover, as the System is evolving very fast, there''s a necessity of hardware replacement. Thus we are installing already new servers. But all that will take place in the background. It means that the members won''t even notice anything, as we aren''t going to terminate working process. Thus everything is in due course. As for the rest, I''m repeating, all is as usual: there are a lot of offline events in the Philippines as you know it by yourselves. And as always in my videos I''m asked through the reports to mention, what I''m doing with great pleasure, that there''s the first anniversary of the MMM Community''s activity in the Philippines. My congratulations to all of you! As well let me congratulate you on the Guider''s conference in Cagayan de Oro City. And I particularly appreciate the contribution of the guiders James Po and Anton Bernardo as the host of the event. Let me make special mention of it and recommend that everyone should follow their example. And as for the rest I''m saying again everything is good and will be even better. You can see personally the testimonials: everyone gets paid. In this way all is wonderful in the Philippines. OK, then see you next time. As well, I believe that the Financial Apocalypse is inevitable! Together we change the world!
Hello! Here is the news. This week I do have some news to share with you. All of you know that this week we’ve had some issues with Personal Offices. They didn’t work properly. Some failures occurred. What I would like to say is that you shouldn’t be so sensitive to it. It is a usual work process. The system is rapidly developing. Thus, unfortunately, we can’t avoid this kind of failures. All companies and firms, not only us, have them. It’s another thing when they tend to happen too often. Then it may raise concerns. As for us, we may have them. Not too often. But sometimes they occur. Of course, we will do our best to avoid them. But again I want to repeat this is a part of a work process. This is how you should treat the situation. You should understand that nothing wrong or extraordinary happened. There might be a failure lasting for a few hours. But you must be absolutely sure that in the few hours the system will be restored. Moreover, we always try to warn in advance, set time. I am saying all this not because all these problems will keep happening. No, it’s an isolated case. And I hope we won’t have these incidents further. I am just making the situation clear for you. I hope that in the nearest future there won’t be any system failures any longer. Ok. We are changing the equipment soon. We will warn about it. I discussed it with the programmers. They assured me that the participants wouldn’t feel it. There won’t be any shutdowns or fHello! We can not change your guider.
Changing of guider is allowed only in 2 cases:
1. You have registered your account not more than a week ago.
2. Your current guider is the technical account welcometommmglobal@gmail.com.
Please make all your requests IN ENGLISH!
Best regards,
MMM GLOBAL Supportailures in personal offices. We will do it in background mode so everything will be ok. Well. What else to say? Everything is running its course. The system is rapidly developing. Everyone gets paid. The participants are happy. That’s what really matters. All the technical problems are solvable. If only they mattered, we wouldn’t have to worry about anything as technical problems can be easily solved. Ok. What else to say. It seems that’s all. See you next time.
As well, I believe that the Financial Apocalypse is inevitable. Together
22.11.2015 NEWS FROM SERGEY MAVRODI 22.11.2015 | MMM PHILIPPINESHello! Here''s the news. Things are progressing well in the Philippines. So, I don''t say excellent, since everybody evidenced malfunctions in the work of POs, which surely makes all nervous, however, I''d like to say the following: all these failures are just the determinants that the System is developing too fast. Absolutely all firms and companies face the same from time to time. The main thing is that they don''t have a steady nature. But we experience just single instances :-). Therefore they can''t give any particular troubles at all. Moreover, as the System is evolving very fast, there''s a necessity of hardware replacement. Thus we are installing already new servers. But all that will take place in the background. It means that the members won''t even notice anything, as we aren''t going to terminate working process. Thus everything is in due course. As for the rest, I''m repeating, all is as usual: there are a lot of offline events in the Philippines as you know it by yourselves. And as always in my videos I''m asked through the reports to mention, what I''m doing with great pleasure, that there''s the first anniversary of the MMM Community''s activity in the Philippines. My congratulations to all of you! As well let me congratulate you on the Guider''s conference in Cagayan de Oro City. And I particularly appreciate the contribution of the guiders James Po and Anton Bernardo as the host of the event. Let me make special mention of it and recommend that everyone should follow their example. And as for the rest I''m saying again everything is good and will be even better. You can see personally the testimonials: everyone gets paid. In this way all is wonderful in the Philippines. OK, then see you next time. As well, I believe that the Financial Apocalypse is inevitable! Together we change the world!
Hello! Here is the news. This week I do have some news to share with you. All of you know that this week we’ve had some issues with Personal Offices. They didn’t work properly. Some failures occurred. What I would like to say is that you shouldn’t be so sensitive to it. It is a usual work process. The system is rapidly developing. Thus, unfortunately, we can’t avoid this kind of failures. All companies and firms, not only us, have them. It’s another thing when they tend to happen too often. Then it may raise concerns. As for us, we may have them. Not too often. But sometimes they occur. Of course, we will do our best to avoid them. But again I want to repeat this is a part of a work process. This is how you should treat the situation. You should understand that nothing wrong or extraordinary happened. There might be a failure lasting for a few hours. But you must be absolutely sure that in the few hours the system will be restored. Moreover, we always try to warn in advance, set time. I am saying all this not because all these problems will keep happening. No, it’s an isolated case. And I hope we won’t have these incidents further. I am just making the situation clear for you. I hope that in the nearest future there won’t be any system failures any longer. Ok. We are changing the equipment soon. We will warn about it. I discussed it with the programmers. They assured me that the participants wouldn’t feel it. There won’t be any shutdowns or fHello! We can not change your guider.
Changing of guider is allowed only in 2 cases:
1. You have registered your account not more than a week ago.
2. Your current guider is the technical account welcometommmglobal@gmail.com.
Please make all your requests IN ENGLISH!
Best regards,
MMM GLOBAL Supportailures in personal offices. We will do it in background mode so everything will be ok. Well. What else to say? Everything is running its course. The system is rapidly developing. Everyone gets paid. The participants are happy. That’s what really matters. All the technical problems are solvable. If only they mattered, we wouldn’t have to worry about anything as technical problems can be easily solved. Ok. What else to say. It seems that’s all. See you next time.
As well, I believe that the Financial Apocalypse is inevitable. Together