Disable chaos stone and make boss es randomly appear in bowl also after this make cz 69+ this Will finish tbl in cz and you have time and energy to focus on base and ardream tbl after you open them
That would make it a lot harder considering the fact that it used to spawn every 6-8hours back in the days.
And TBL isn't working on SteamKO.. You're confusing it with TPT and our dev team is doing everything they can in order to stop TPT (Xigncode updates) and the GM team is patrolling all servers and blocking TPT users constantly.
Ty and sorry för not know Thé names öf illegal sh.ts clearly :). Jüst dont want to open a new topic why did you delete my last riemann help pls topic that i ve gave many information about my problem with trusted account thing , gave Thé ticket number öf ntt support and said that still waiting from steam support ticket but they not answering för nearly 3 days?