We are going to take a look at the overall interface when we're working in a document.So let's have that plus sign and open up any preset to get into the main working interface and we'llstart at the top left.The first one we see is the gallery button.And that will take us back to the file manager next to that we have a Spener icon and that opens upa lot of submenus we will explore these menus in a following Listen next to that we have a wand iconand that opens up the adjustments menu wouldn't want to make image adjustments.Then after that we have the selection icon which will bring up a selection menu at the bottom of thescreen.Next to that we have a mouse pointer like icon.And this is the moves for this allows us to move things around on a particular layer.There's nothing at the moment on the stair so we can't use it right now.Then at the top right we have the paint brush icon.And when we test this again it will open up our brush libraries.So what we can do is we can select brush categories on the left and brushes on the right we'll keepall of this more when we look specifically at brushes next to that we have the smudge tool and the erasertoo.And if you tap each of these again you'll once again open up the brush L'Abri so we can see that thebrush L'Abri is shaved across these three talks the paint brush to the smudge tool and be erased tothe two square icons will open up the layers panel and the circle at the top right.Opens up a color picker panel will deep dive.Each of these elements to the left of the screen we have two is a square button between them and twoerror bands below them the top slot.It controls our brush.Sun is based on our Selecta to the bottoms bladder controls our brush or pasty.That is the transparency level of the brush.And then the middle square button is any such animal but that is usually in most cases a sponge to beinga color picker will go into that later.And then the two hour is at the bottom or undo and redo.If you slide your finger from the outside of the display over the square button you can then move theslider up and down as to a way you prefer having it when you're working.I typically just leave this in the middle and there is a basic overview of our interface when we'reworking.We'll take a look at some other things such as navigation and of course we'll deep out of each of theseoptions in future lessons.See you in the next lesson.