The SMB process (and analogously the SMBR process) can be modeled by means of a continuous TMB (True Moving Bed) model or by simulating the actual shifting of the inlet and outlet ports along the unit. The equivalent TMB approaches the SMB when a large number of columns are involved (e.g., 24 columns) and pro- vides a fast way to obtain product yields for different configura- tions and parameters at steady-state [16].
Regardless of the methodology used to model the SMBR, the assumptions are the following:
1. Isothermal conditions.
2. Axial dispersed plug flow for the fluid phase.
3. Plug flow for the solid phase (just for TMBR).
4. Constant flow rate in each zone.
5. Mass transfer described by linear driving force (LDF)
6. Adsorbents and catalysts are mixed homogeneously and pos- sess similar physical characteristics.
7. Pressure drop is not considered.
Mass balances for species i in the bulk phase, adsorbent particle phase, and catalyst particle phase are given by Eqs. (5–7),