Unlike in wireless sensor networks, where the sensed data are
sent to sink node which gathers data and coordinates sensor–
sensor communication, in WSANs there are two new networking
phenomena, namely, sensor–actuator and actuator–actuator coordination
[1]. Having sensed the environmental parameters that are
beyond normal values, a sensor initiates a search for the closest
actuator, by means of sensor–sensor communication and
sensor–actuator coordination, to act upon appropriately. We assume
that the magnitude of an event is such that it is enough to
have a response from a single actuator. In order to minimize the
energy spent on actuator movement instead of finding any actuator,
the closest actuator should be found by means of actuator–
actuator coordination. Finding the closest actuator is called the
distance sensitive service discovery. For the basic distance sensitive
service discovery, we use a localized algorithm called iMesh proposed
in [2]. To further enhance quality of service discovery, we
apply the localized auction aggregation algorithm (k-SAAP) introduced
in [3].