management of economic migration international285, notre dame street west, 4th floormontreal, quebec h2y 1t8 crl _ _ reffrancisation _ apres1aout2013.docx.web site: 2015 / 12 / 15page 1 of 5on february 23, sun fuyuanreference number: ha0172396)purpose: a certificate selection of quebeclanguage referencesir,at the conclusion of the review of your file, we found that the application for a certificate ofselection process did not comply with legislative and regulatory requirements of quebec1.however, we believe that you would comply with legislative and regulatory requirementsif you amélioriez) your knowledge of french. for this purpose, wehave a period of 18 months, from the date of this letter, to improve yourknowledge in english, in order to achieve the required level of competence toto obtain sufficient marks to qualify you for this stage of the processing of the time of the review of your case, we evaluated the level of competencein english is from 5 to 6 in oral expression and listening, as:canadian levels of competence in english. you will need to reach level b2oral expression and listening order to improve your knowledge of english, you have a choice of means. however, werecommend that you register for a course in english in a school the end of your training, you and your spouse, if applicable, will have to demonstrate that you are.have reached the level requested by the copy of the certificate of the results of atest certificate recognized by the ministry. tests are available in all areasemployment in quebec. for the tests, or the qualifications, please visit our pagethe internet at the following address: / competenceslinguistiquesfor its further consideration of the application, we need to receive a copy of your testdiploma in french, as well as the evaluation of accompanying sheet attached by august 162017, in one consignment sent by regular mail to the following address:285, notre dame street west, 4th floormontreal, qc h2y 1t8failure to provide the documents requested, the letter will, at the expiry of the time limitspecified, a decision to refuse your application without further notice, as provided for in thelaw on immigration in quebec.1 an act respecting immigration to quebec, the regulation respecting the selection of foreign nationals, and the regulation onthe weighting applicable to the selection of foreign nationals.sun fuyuanreference no: ha0172396. proc._ / 125 _ reffrancisation _ apres1aout2013.docx page 2 of 52015 / 12 / 15with thanks for your interest in quebec, please accept, sir, our best wishes.lyn "general manager of operationsp. j. evaluation sheetcover sheetsun fuyuanreference no: ha0172396. proc._ / 125 _ reffrancisation _ apres1aout2013.docx page 3 of 52015 / 12 / 15use of administrative reviewin case of refusal of your application, you will be able to have recourse to the administrative review. this request may not be made before the expiry of the period granted to you for the english test. you're in a period of 90 days to submit the additional.if you decide to submit an application for administrative review, it must be motivated, that is to say, it must identify the elements incorrectly assessed and whether a mistake has been made. in addition, an application for administrative review shall be made at the time of the decision and shall be accompanied by a copy of this letter and the attached assessment sheet. it can be supported, where appropriate, by the original documents or copies certified by the issuing authorities, relating to events occurring at the time of the decision.the application and the documents must be sent to the following address:administrative reviewthe department of immigration, diversity and inclusion285, notre dame street west, 4th floormontreal (quebec) h2y 1t8canadamake sure you include administrative review on the first page of the application in order to increase the processing time.sun fuyuanreference no: ha0172396. proc._ / 125 _ reffrancisation _ apres1aout2013.docx page 4 of 52015 / 12 / 15annextable of correspondence between the levels of competence in english of the principal applicant and spouse on the fÉval with the levels of the common european framework of reference for languages (cefr) and the quebec scale of levels of competence in en