VitaLys I/S producerer og sælger lysinproduktet VitaLys®, der fremstilles ved fermentering med mikroorganismen Corynebacterium glutamicum.
Lysin er en essentiel (livsnødvendig) aminosyre, som blandt andet anvendes i svine- og fjerkræfoder, og som sikrer, at dyrene får en optimal udnyttelse af foderet (fodereffektivitet), bedre tilvækst og kødkvalitet.
Hos svin er lysin den første begrænsende aminosyre og hos fjerkræ er det den anden begrænsende aminosyre. Den første begrænsende aminosyre bestemmer, hvor meget protein, der udnyttes. Alle essentielle aminosyrer kan kun blive udnyttet, hvis den første begrænsende aminosyre er tilstede i foderet i en mængde, der dækker dyrets behov.
Ved at afbalancere foderblandinger med lysin kan man desuden reducere mængden af højproteinholdige råvarer i foderet. Det betyder både en forbedret økonomi for landmanden og en reduceret miljøbelastning, fordi nitratindholdet i gyllen fra dyrene begrænses væsentligt. Dermed er brugen af lysin til gavn for alle parter i værdikæden; dyr, landmand og miljø.
VitaLys I/S lysinproduktet VitaLys ®, manufactures and sells manufactured by fermentation with Corynebacterium glutamicum micro-organism. Lysine is an essential (vital) amino acid, which among other things used in pig and poultry feed, and which ensures that the animals are given an optimal utilization of the feed (feed efficiency), better growth and meat quality.In pigs is the first limiting amino acid lysine and in poultry, it is the second limiting amino acid. The first limiting amino acid determines how much protein is utilized. All essential amino acids can only be exploited if the first limiting amino acid is present in the feed in an amount that covers the animal's needs.By balancing compound feed with lysine can also reduce the amount of raw materials in feed højproteinholdige. This means both an improved economy for the farmer and a reduced environmental impact, because the nitrate content in the manure from animals be limited significantly. Thus, the use of lysine for the benefit of all parties in the value chain; animals, farmers and the environment.

VitaLys I / S manufactures and sells lysinproduktet VitaLys® produced by fermentation of the microorganism Corynebacterium glutamicum. Lysine is an essential (vital) amino acid, which among other things is used in pig and poultry feed, and ensure that the animals receive the optimal use of feed (feed efficiency), improved growth and meat quality. In pigs, lysine is the first limiting amino acid and in poultry, it is the second limiting amino acid. The first limiting amino acid determines the amount of protein used. All essential amino acids can only be utilized if the first limiting amino acid is present in the feed in an amount that covers the animal's needs. By balancing the lysine compound feed can also reduce the amount of højproteinholdige raw materials in the feed. This means both a better economy for the farmer and a reduced environmental impact because the nitrate content of the manure from the animals is significantly reduced. Thus, the use of lysine to the benefit of all parties in the value chain; animals, farmers and the environment.