00:28:01,740 --> 00:28:07,890
darkening done in here little too much
under that command Z twenty percent of
00:28:07,890 --> 00:28:12,880
capacity by hitting 22 and then I can't
just brush in a bit more darkness in
00:28:12,880 --> 00:28:14,240
00:28:14,240 --> 00:28:21,429
wheels too little bit around here to
create this shadows I realize maybe the
00:28:21,429 --> 00:28:26,250
whole car should be little darker look
at that was obviously there's some
00:28:26,250 --> 00:28:32,659
discrepancies here both in color and in
contrast a bit so car feels more yellow
00:28:32,659 --> 00:28:38,000
this feels Bloor in the background so
again to blend these pieces either
00:28:38,000 --> 00:28:41,890
regarded consider making the background
a little bit lower for the call
00:28:41,890 --> 00:28:45,159
car cooler and to be honest maybe a
little bit of both
00:28:45,159 --> 00:28:51,789
this feels really purple in here so we
should try that they call this 43 shadow
00:28:51,789 --> 00:28:58,500
and then we're gonna come in here for a
color and you go down to blue and
00:28:58,500 --> 00:29:02,830
00:29:02,830 --> 00:29:08,750
ICC affecting overall here now it
shouldn't come to our car talent filter
00:29:08,750 --> 00:29:15,919
but this one normal there and now are
blue there they'll only affect the car
00:29:15,919 --> 00:29:21,380
00:29:21,380 --> 00:29:27,140
r is the better already know come in and
i dont need some yellow to the layer
00:29:27,140 --> 00:29:35,870
underneath this caller so obviously they
could push this agenda more blue to fit
00:29:35,870 --> 00:29:40,260
the times we see in the rocks here but I
want to push this too far off the
00:29:40,260 --> 00:29:47,780
original soviet modify the car to sit
and modify the background of it so easy
00:29:47,780 --> 00:29:56,530
and it creates some leaders here to this
folder is i mean to call this four hands
00:29:56,530 --> 00:30:10,070
that's 14 rests on the path opening it
up so that the car would have a place to
00:30:10,070 --> 00:30:16,970
come down now see all the stuff I was
looking at in here doesn't even matter
00:30:16,970 --> 00:30:20,500
you don't see any of it and ask you
don't see much of that maybe we could
00:30:20,500 --> 00:30:30,400
open this up here like this you see it
just by doing that it's kind of rough
00:30:30,400 --> 00:30:34,280
and funky even big precious but these
trees are pretty forgiving them asking
00:30:34,280 --> 00:30:39,480
so maybe come in here and clean this up
feeling better about that right away
00:30:39,480 --> 00:30:45,910
now some of these he seen here we talked
about this bleeding all the files in
00:30:45,910 --> 00:30:53,590
here to make sure that we take that away
from this area but this on SERO and you
00:30:53,590 --> 00:30:58,040
see right in here that there's some
residents who is to make sure that we
00:30:58,040 --> 00:31:02,530
don't see that through the leaves into
the car and as I did this we also see
00:31:02,530 --> 00:31:04,800
that we want to open that up
00:31:04,800 --> 00:31:09,640
really crude for now but in a mosque but
we're gonna find in that as we go along
00:31:09,640 --> 00:31:17,020
pretty cool so come back up to our car
while before I do that I wanted to add
00:31:17,020 --> 00:31:19,210
some yellow but it was so messy or so
00:31:19,210 --> 00:31:23,789
income above all this give color to all
these layers that creates the background
00:31:23,789 --> 00:31:33,990
and then come into the blue pull this
down a bit
00:31:33,990 --> 00:31:39,050
nice now a given the background a little
bit more yellow to give the car a little
00:31:39,050 --> 00:31:44,640
bit more blue and they seem to be a
little bit better in their alright so
00:31:44,640 --> 00:31:49,160
before we start fine-tuning the color
mismatches between the two talked about
00:31:49,160 --> 00:31:54,059
this early on an introduction it's the
layer that even out the colors and this
00:31:54,059 --> 00:32:00,240
is our caller felt so when you coming
here gonna do solid color and then you
00:32:00,240 --> 00:32:05,210
gonna pick in this case may be a town
that sits in the deeper values in the
00:32:05,210 --> 00:32:08,900
blues and greens and we can just see
what this will feel like so I'm just
00:32:08,900 --> 00:32:13,770
adding on the caller that we already
have in here and in the frame so that we
00:32:13,770 --> 00:32:17,920
can sort of blend the highlights a
little bit together certainly try this
00:32:17,920 --> 00:32:21,780
color is easy to change that afterwards
by just hitting the color picker here
00:32:21,780 --> 00:32:27,429
you can put this on to color and
obviously this is way too much of this
00:32:27,429 --> 00:32:38,780
one tone but then you pull this letter
back what these layers do is to apply
00:32:38,780 --> 00:32:44,410
color overall but it doesn't mean you
put it on color in a way that affect the
00:32:44,410 --> 00:32:49,510
color another contrast and by this the
blender layers in an intangible well
21900:28:01,740--> 00:28:07,890变暗在这里很少做得太多根据该命令 Z 20%22000:28:07,890--> 00:28:12,880能力,为此打 22,然后我不能只是刷在多一点在黑暗中22100:28:12,880--> 00:28:14,240在这里22200:28:14,240--> 00:28:21,429车轮在这里到太一点点创建我意识到也许这阴影22300:28:21,429--> 00:28:26,250整辆车应该是小暗看当时也很明显,还有一些22400:28:26,250--> 00:28:32,659在颜色并中的差异对比了一点,所以车感觉更多的黄色22500:28:32,659--> 00:28:38,000这感觉布鲁尔在后台等再次,要么融入这些片断22600:28:38,000--> 00:28:41,890认为考虑背景低一点的呼吁22700:28:41,890--> 00:28:45,159汽车中冷器和也许要诚实都有点吧22800:28:45,159--> 00:28:51,789在这里,这感觉真的紫色所以我们应该试着他们称之为这 43 的影子22900:28:51,789--> 00:28:58,500我们再来这里颜色和你去了蓝和23000:28:58,500--> 00:29:02,830凉意23100:29:02,830--> 00:29:08,750国际刑事法院影响整体在这里现在不应该来到我们汽车人才筛选器23200:29:08,750--> 00:29:15,919但这一种常态,现在是蓝色那里它们只会影响到这辆车23300:29:15,919--> 00:29:21,380there23400:29:21,380 --> 00:29:27,140r is the better already know come in andi dont need some yellow to the layer23500:29:27,140 --> 00:29:35,870underneath this caller so obviously theycould push this agenda more blue to fit23600:29:35,870 --> 00:29:40,260the times we see in the rocks here but Iwant to push this too far off the23700:29:40,260 --> 00:29:47,780original soviet modify the car to sitand modify the background of it so easy23800:29:47,780 --> 00:29:56,530and it creates some leaders here to thisfolder is i mean to call this four hands23900:29:56,530 --> 00:30:10,070that's 14 rests on the path opening itup so that the car would have a place to24000:30:10,070 --> 00:30:16,970come down now see all the stuff I waslooking at in here doesn't even matter24100:30:16,970 --> 00:30:20,500you don't see any of it and ask youdon't see much of that maybe we could24200:30:20,500 --> 00:30:30,400open this up here like this you see itjust by doing that it's kind of rough24300:30:30,400 --> 00:30:34,280and funky even big precious but thesetrees are pretty forgiving them asking24400:30:34,280 --> 00:30:39,480so maybe come in here and clean this upfeeling better about that right away24500:30:39,480 --> 00:30:45,910now some of these he seen here we talkedabout this bleeding all the files in24600:30:45,910 --> 00:30:53,590here to make sure that we take that away从这个区域,但这对血清和你24700:30:53,590--> 00:30:58,040看看在这里是有一些权利居民是确保我们24800:30:58,040--> 00:31:02,530通过把树叶变成不这么认为这辆车和一样这我们也看到了24900:31:02,530--> 00:31:04,800我们想要开放,25000:31:04,800--> 00:31:09,640真的很粗现在,但在一座清真寺,但我们要在那找到,就在我们身边25100:31:09,640--> 00:31:17,020酷毙了所以回到我们的车而之前,我做我想要添加25200:31:17,020--> 00:31:19,210有些黄,但它是如此凌乱左右25300:31:19,210--> 00:31:23,789收入高于一切这给颜色所有这些图层,创建背景25400:31:23,789--> 00:31:33,990然后进入蓝色拉这有点失望25500:31:33,990--> 00:31:39,050好现在有点鉴于背景更多的黄色有点给汽车位25600:31:39,050--> 00:31:44,640更多的蓝色和他们似乎是的位有了一点进步在他们那好吧25700:31:44,640--> 00:31:49,160在我们开始之前微调颜色谈到两人之间的不匹配25800:31:49,160--> 00:31:54,059这早就介绍它了即使出来的颜色和这的那层25900:31:54,059--> 00:32:00,240是我们调用方感到如此时你会来在这里要做固色,然后你26000:32:00,240--> 00:32:05,210gonna pick in this case may be a townthat sits in the deeper values in the26100:32:05,210 --> 00:32:08,900blues and greens and we can just seewhat this will feel like so I'm just26200:32:08,900 --> 00:32:13,770adding on the caller that we alreadyhave in here and in the frame so that we26300:32:13,770 --> 00:32:17,920can sort of blend the highlights alittle bit together certainly try this26400:32:17,920 --> 00:32:21,780color is easy to change that afterwardsby just hitting the color picker here26500:32:21,780 --> 00:32:27,429you can put this on to color andobviously this is way too much of this26600:32:27,429 --> 00:32:38,780one tone but then you pull this letterback what these layers do is to apply26700:32:38,780 --> 00:32:44,410color overall but it doesn't mean youput it on color in a way that affect the26800:32:44,410 --> 00:32:49,510color another contrast and by this theblender layers in an intangible well