00:42:13,430 --> 00:42:18,090
like I said if I wanted too dark in
areas I would just swap out my colors to
00:42:18,090 --> 00:42:23,540
black and then I can paint a 20% on a
nonstop flight later and that is going
00:42:23,540 --> 00:42:28,340
to allow me to burn down certain areas
that are too hot for example so let's
00:42:28,340 --> 00:42:34,270
continue on without and do some other
adjustments will go back here and do a
00:42:34,270 --> 00:42:41,730
SoftLayer and 20% again and wait I wanna
breaking up some of this skyline here so
00:42:41,730 --> 00:42:47,130
I will increase my bust down the door
again using my bracket keys it's going
00:42:47,130 --> 00:42:54,940
here and just come parading that up a
little bit ago
00:42:54,940 --> 00:42:59,910
bring in some of that the little bit I
may take them down again but once we
00:42:59,910 --> 00:43:05,910
apply to the actions that I want it'll
correct for that we may have to go back
00:43:05,910 --> 00:43:13,910
in and do a little more so when I'm a
little bit over here
00:43:13,910 --> 00:43:19,800
good ok and let's do a little darkening
actually seen area that I mentioned
00:43:19,800 --> 00:43:24,109
before they can use some darkening so
we'll do another layer SoftLayer taken
00:43:24,109 --> 00:43:26,930
just a blank layer and I've applied
software blending mode I'm going to
00:43:26,930 --> 00:43:31,660
press my excuse to get my black paint in
there and I'm painting her twenty
00:43:31,660 --> 00:43:37,180
percent is going to darken down some of
what's going on here that's looking way
00:43:37,180 --> 00:43:38,650
better already
00:43:38,650 --> 00:43:45,500
this down a little bit and other couple
of areas that may be a little hot that
00:43:45,500 --> 00:43:54,400
could use a little toning down just kind
of selectively go in and finally areas
00:43:54,400 --> 00:44:01,349
that need a little tuning up ok one of
the other techniques that we can use for
00:44:01,349 --> 00:44:05,490
accentuating highlights is a cool
technique so first thing that'll do is
00:44:05,490 --> 00:44:09,910
all just create another stamped copy
layer which again is Command Option
00:44:09,910 --> 00:44:14,619
Shift II that's going to give me a new
layer incorporating everything that I've
00:44:14,619 --> 00:44:20,650
done but needs there and I will
duplicate that layer and change the
00:44:20,650 --> 00:44:25,470
blending mode to Screen and that is
going to brighten everything up big time
00:44:25,470 --> 00:44:31,319
so then I'll play a mask on their own it
to a black mask so I'll just hold down
00:44:31,319 --> 00:44:37,200
my option key and that is going to give
me that black mask and then I'll change
00:44:37,200 --> 00:44:43,540
my brush which I am command were just
the peak he will get me there are some
00:44:43,540 --> 00:44:49,290
on a black layer mask I want to swap my
colors to white and I'm at 20% already
00:44:49,290 --> 00:44:53,680
which is good cause I want to kind of
build up the amount of brightness but
00:44:53,680 --> 00:44:58,849
it's when I kind of go in here and
tweaked some of these highlights a
00:44:58,849 --> 00:45:00,849
little bit accentuate those
00:45:00,849 --> 00:45:10,029
just a little bit gonna go crazy but
just a better turnout and I'm just so
00:45:10,029 --> 00:45:15,069
you can see that just a way to kind of
control highlights I i really like using
00:45:15,069 --> 00:45:23,200
that method can see here also there's a
little bit more needed in here and burn
00:45:23,200 --> 00:45:28,039
this down jewelry on the neck just a
little bit and we'll see before and
00:45:28,039 --> 00:45:32,359
after their second song just took that
down a little bit other areas where you
00:45:32,359 --> 00:45:37,749
can use this technique which is really
kind of cool is on the lips there are
00:45:37,749 --> 00:45:41,749
other ways to this as well but this is
just kind of a quick down and dirty way
00:45:41,749 --> 00:45:47,609
so we'll swap our colors again using the
X key and I'm gonna go in here and just
00:45:47,609 --> 00:45:57,509
eaten some highlights just get the lips
come a little bit of a glass he look for
00:45:57,509 --> 00:46:06,739
an after that ok so let's do another
stamped copy layer so we're back to
00:46:06,739 --> 00:46:11,680
square one and at this point you could
flatten I mean absolutely I end up
00:46:11,680 --> 00:46:14,960
working with lots and lots of layers
just because it's how I'm used to
00:46:14,960 --> 00:46:20,339
working but if you need memory or space
you can definitely flattened as you go
00:46:20,339 --> 00:46:26,739
as well I just like to be able to step
back in case I make a mistake I'm able
00:46:26,739 --> 00:46:33,349
to kind of go back and start over again
from the last step was at ok so I want
00:46:33,349 --> 00:46:37,259
to do a little bit of skin softening but
first I I just jumped out at me I see
00:46:37,259 --> 00:46:41,089
here that the eyes could use a little
whitening as well as will do another one
00:46:41,089 --> 00:46:45,850
of our soft light layers just call when
here just kind of waiting up
00:46:45,850 --> 00:46:55,790
is just a little bit just i whites
little bit of whitening wants to placate
00:46:55,790 --> 00:47:08,450
that and see how that got some nice part
maybe a little too much just under 50%
00:47:08,450 --> 00:47:28,420
alright excellent player stamp card be
back in here that box there okay
00:47:28,420 --> 00:47:34,220
gets stuck like that ok good now we've
got our lair stamped copy that's again
00:47:34,220 --> 00:47:37,820
incorporating everything that we've done
00:47:37,820 --> 00:47:43,940
now we're going to work on some skin
softening so the first thing that I want
00:47:43,940 --> 00:47:48,110
to do with this layer stamped copy is
and by the way this is a technique I
00:47:48,110 --> 00:47:52,180
learned from my friend Scott Kelby so
thanks for the scott also have tweaked
00:47:52,180 --> 00:47:58,610
it a little bit to make it my own it's
got what i think is a little bit of an
00:47:58,610 --> 00:47:59,480
00:47:59,480 --> 00:48:03,740
makes it easier to see what you're doing
I'll show you that as well so first
00:48:03,740 --> 00:48:13,130
thing that I want to do is run unsharp
mask or go here to shop mask and I'll
00:48:13,130 --> 00:48:24,930
set my values out 100 the amount and the
radius of 1 and the threshold for a
00:48:24,930 --> 00:48:29,810
little bit so I can see what we're doing
so this is going to be our detail lair
00:48:29,810 --> 00:48:33,340
right click OK
00:48:33,340 --> 00:48:40,740
this detail right
00:48:40,740 --> 00:48:47,010
alright so the next thing that i'm gonna
do is duplicate my detail later i doing
00:48:47,010 --> 00:48:53,070
Amanda J and that's going to duplicate
the lair and I'm going to call this
00:48:53,070 --> 00:49:00,700
layers yes yes and I want to give this
layer some softness so we're gonna go to
00:49:00,700 --> 00:49:07,950
Gaussian Blur filter and air filter menu
and we will apply a 20% Gaussian Blur
00:49:07,950 --> 00:49:16,220
and can see there that's going to be our
softness lair perfect
00:49:16,220 --> 00:49:25,530
the next thing that I want to do is
reduce the opacity on later to 50% and I
00:49:25,530 --> 00:49:31,080
also want to apply a black mask sold on
my option key and click on the mask
00:49:31,080 --> 00:49:34,140
00:49:34,140 --> 00:49:39,390
the next thing that all do the next
thing that'll do is i will like my brush
00:49:39,390 --> 00:49:44,930
hitting the beach he ok and I see that
it's a 20 percent on a change that two
00:49:44,930 --> 00:49:48,619
hundred percent I'll hit the 0 key on my
keyboard that will give me that hundred
00:49:48,619 --> 00:49:52,819
percent and now I'm ready to start
painting on my master paint in the
00:49:52,819 --> 00:50:00,410
softness where I wanted so I can do that
just like so but as you can see it I
48100:42:13,430 --> 00:42:18,090like I said if I wanted too dark inareas I would just swap out my colors to48200:42:18,090 --> 00:42:23,540black and then I can paint a 20% on anonstop flight later and that is going48300:42:23,540 --> 00:42:28,340to allow me to burn down certain areasthat are too hot for example so let's48400:42:28,340 --> 00:42:34,270continue on without and do some otheradjustments will go back here and do a48500:42:34,270 --> 00:42:41,730SoftLayer and 20% again and wait I wannabreaking up some of this skyline here so48600:42:41,730 --> 00:42:47,130I will increase my bust down the dooragain using my bracket keys it's going48700:42:47,130 --> 00:42:54,940here and just come parading that up alittle bit ago48800:42:54,940 --> 00:42:59,910bring in some of that the little bit Imay take them down again but once we48900:42:59,910 --> 00:43:05,910apply to the actions that I want it'llcorrect for that we may have to go back49000:43:05,910 --> 00:43:13,910in and do a little more so when I'm alittle bit over here49100:43:13,910 --> 00:43:19,800good ok and let's do a little darkeningactually seen area that I mentioned49200:43:19,800 --> 00:43:24,109before they can use some darkening sowe'll do another layer SoftLayer taken49300:43:24,109 --> 00:43:26,930just a blank layer and I've appliedsoftware blending mode I'm going to49400:43:26,930 --> 00:43:31,660按我的借口去我黑漆那里是书画她二十岁49500:43:31,660--> 00:43:37,180%要变暗下来的一些怎么回事,现在看的方式49600:43:37,180--> 00:43:38,650已经更好49700:43:38,650--> 00:43:45,500这一点和其他几个下来地区,可能是有点热,49800:43:45,500--> 00:43:54,400可以使用淡化只一点点有选择性地进去和最后领域49900:43:54,400--> 00:44:01,349这需要一点点调好之一我们可以使用的其他技术50000:44:01,349--> 00:44:05,490突出亮点是酷所以要做的第一件事是技术50100:44:05,490--> 00:44:09,910只是创建另一个盖章的副本层,又是命令选项50200:44:09,910--> 00:44:14,619二要给我一个新的转变图层合并我的一切50300:44:14,619--> 00:44:20,650但需要在那里做,我会重复,这层和改变50400:44:20,650--> 00:44:25,470混合模式为屏幕,是要照亮一切大时间50500:44:25,470--> 00:44:31,319那么先将面具放成他们自己的 it到黑的面具,所以我只会紧握50600:44:31,319--> 00:44:37,200我 option 键,要给我那个黑色的面罩和会改变50700:44:37,200--> 00:44:43,540我刷是命令刚他会让我那里一些高峰50800:44:43,540--> 00:44:49,290我想要换上黑色图层蒙版我颜色为白色,我已经在 20%50900:44:49,290--> 00:44:53,680这是好的因为我想要什么样的建立的亮度,但51000:44:53,680--> 00:44:58,849当我种在这里去和修改了一些这些亮点51100:44:58,849--> 00:45:00,849有点突出那些51200:45:00,849--> 00:45:10,029只是一点点的会去疯狂但只是更好的投票,我只是这么51300:45:10,029--> 00:45:15,069你可以看到,只是一种对种控制突出了我我真的很喜欢使用51400:45:15,069--> 00:45:23,200方法可以看到这里也有是一点点,更需要在这里和烧伤51500:45:23,200--> 00:45:28,039这下只是脖子上的珠宝小一点,我们就会看到之前和51600:45:28,039--> 00:45:32,359他们的第二首歌只是拿走了那以后下得有点其他领域在哪里你51700:45:32,359--> 00:45:37,749可以使用此技术,真是很酷的就是有的嘴唇上51800:45:37,749--> 00:45:41,749其他的办法来的但是这是只是种快速向下和肮脏的方式51900:45:41,749--> 00:45:47,609所以我们会交换我们再次使用的颜色我和 X 键要进入这里,只是52000:45:47,609--> 00:45:57,509吃一些亮点只是得到了嘴唇他来一点点的玻璃寻找52100:45:57,509 --> 00:46:06,739an after that ok so let's do anotherstamped copy layer so we're back to52200:46:06,739 --> 00:46:11,680square one and at this point you couldflatten I mean absolutely I end up52300:46:11,680 --> 00:46:14,960working with lots and lots of layersjust because it's how I'm used to52400:46:14,960 --> 00:46:20,339working but if you need memory or spaceyou can definitely flattened as you go52500:46:20,339 --> 00:46:26,739as well I just like to be able to stepback in case I make a mistake I'm able52600:46:26,739 --> 00:46:33,349to kind of go back and start over againfrom the last step was at ok so I want52700:46:33,349 --> 00:46:37,259to do a little bit of skin softening butfirst I I just jumped out at me I see52800:46:37,259 --> 00:46:41,089here that the eyes could use a littlewhitening as well as will do another one52900:46:41,089 --> 00:46:45,850of our soft light layers just call whenhere just kind of waiting up53000:46:45,850 --> 00:46:55,790is just a little bit just i whiteslittle bit of whitening wants to placate53100:46:55,790 --> 00:47:08,450that and see how that got some nice partmaybe a little too much just under 50%53200:47:08,450 --> 00:47:28,420alright excellent player stamp card beback in here that box there okay53300:47:28,420 --> 00:47:34,220gets stuck like that ok good now we'vegot our lair stamped copy that's again53400:47:34,220--> 00:47:37,820结合我们所做的一切以前53500:47:37,820--> 00:47:43,940现在我们来进行一些皮肤软化这样我想第一件事53600:47:43,940--> 00:47:48,110跟这副本上加盖一层是顺便说一下,这是一个技术和我53700:47:48,110--> 00:47:52,180所以从我的朋友斯科特婚纱谢谢你的斯科特也调整了53800:47:52,180--> 00:47:58,610这一点让我自己是得到了我的想法是一点点53900:47:58,610--> 00:47:59,480改进54000:47:59,480--> 00:48:03,740容易地看到你在做什么因此,首先我会告诉你以及54100:48:03,740--> 00:48:13,130我想要做的事情是运行反锐化遮罩或在这里去商店的面具,我会54200:48:13,130--> 00:48:24,930设置我出 100 的价值量和半径 1 和阈值54300:48:24,930--> 00:48:29,810有点让我看看我们在做什么所以这要我们详细的老窝54400:48:29,810--> 00:48:33,340右键单击确定54500:48:33,340--> 00:48:40,740这一细节正确54600:48:40,740--> 00:48:47,010那好吧我要去接下来的事情做是后来重复我详细我做54700:48:47,010--> 00:48:53,070阿曼达 J,那就要重复巢穴和我要去拜访这54800:48:53,070--> 00:49:00,700图层是啊是啊,我想给这层一些疲软,所以我们要去54900:49:00,700--> 00:49:07,950高斯模糊滤镜和空气过滤菜单我们将应用 20%高斯模糊55000:49:07,950--> 00:49:16,220可以在那儿看到这就是你应该怎么做和我们完美的柔软性巢穴55100:49:16,220--> 00:49:25,530我想要做的接下来是降低不透明度上以后 50%与55200:49:25,530--> 00:49:31,080此外想申请卖上黑色面罩我的 option 键并单击蒙版上55300:49:31,080--> 00:49:34,140按钮55400:49:34,140--> 00:49:39,390所有做下一步的接下来的事会做的事就是我会喜欢我的画笔55500:49:39,390--> 00:49:44,930打沙滩我和他好看到那它是更改这两个 20%55600:49:44,930--> 00:49:48,619百 %0 键会点击我键盘会给我那几百55700:49:48,619--> 00:49:52,819%,我现在准备开始在我主漆画55800:49:52,819--> 00:50:00,410柔软的地方,我想可以做,就像这样,但是正如你可以看到它我