Along with our country economy development and city change a course accelerate, people's material and culture standard of living rise, lawn course of study with afforest career had unprecedented development, therefore the development of lawn industry in the area has been seriously and deeply.At present, the lawn industry from the whole of lawn industry compared with foreign, in scale, benefit and so there is a big gap, industry development is relative lag, remains an immature industry.Ireland is a species of large, he has a lot of good grass, and our country's existing grass lawn is single, lack of urgent need bring to new varieties.Selection of imported from eight Irish lawn grasses (contains a mix of varieties of species in 01): slender creeping red fescue SLENDER CREEPING RED FESCUE (Festuca rubra litoralis); 02:30%GATOR DWARF RYEGRASS grass (portfolio); 20%SIRTARY AMENITY RYEGRASS; 45% REVEREND CREEPING RED FESCUE; 5%GREENFIELD CHEWINGS FESCUE; seed 03: perennial ryegrass (PREENNIAL RYEGRASS Lolium perenne); 04 strong creeping red fescue grass: STRONG CREEPING RED FESCUE (Festuca rubra rubra);05: Grass Poa pratensis SMOOTH.STALKED MEADOW.GRASS (Poa pratensis);
species in 06: bentgrass BROWNTOP BENT (Agrostis capillaris); 07: red fescue grass CHEWINGS FESCUE (Festuca rubra commutate); 08 Timothy meadow fescue grass species: TIMOTHY MEADOW FESCUE (Phieum bertolonii).In winter in Kunming on the introduction and cultivation, growth habit and adaptability of varieties comparative test.Screening for the cultivation of excellent new varieties in Kunming region.Cultivation and promotion of.In addition can also through the introduction method,After the introduction of other plants to provide fundamental basis, and in theory and method to draw lessons from.Therefore the understanding of different turfgrass varieties properties and adaptability for turf establishment and management has very important significance.Key words:
Turf Grass Varieties Introduction and Cultivation in Kunming area of grass selection adaptive