The findings suggest that expiration dates are challenging tounderstand, and at the same time they can be difficult to locate dueto the lack of consistency and the resulting ambiguity surrounding thevarious label formats (i.e., best by, best before, sell by), or simply wherethe label is displayed on the package. These issues lead to consumerconfusion, which makes consumers ill equipped to make informedpurchase decisions, thus leading to several unfavorable consequences.These consequences arising due to unclarity confusion include thepurchase of an undesirable product and then the return of that productto the retailer, purchase deferral or no purchase at all, food wastage,dissatisfaction, dissonance, shopping fatigue, increased risk in decisionmaking, and reduced trust and loyalty in the retailer. Although thisstudy was exploratory in nature, the findings are robust enough toprovide several theoretical and practical implications.
The findings suggest that expiration dates are challenging to<br>understand, and at the same time they can be difficult to locate due<br>to the lack of consistency and the resulting ambiguity surrounding the<br>various label formats (i.e., best by, best before, sell by), or simply where<br>the label is displayed on the package. These issues lead to consumer<br>confusion, which makes consumers ill equipped to make informed<br>purchase decisions, thus leading to several unfavorable consequences.<br>These consequences arising due to unclarity confusion include the<br>purchase of an undesirable product and then the return of that product<br>to the retailer, purchase deferral or no purchase at all, food wastage,<br>不滿,不和諧,逛街的疲勞,在決策的風險增加<br>決策,並在零售商減少了信任和忠誠。雖然這個<br>研究是探索性的,結果都足以強勁<br>提供一些理論和實踐意義。