Like most people, I hate exams.Because the exam makes me anxious, I feel scared whenever I take the exam, afraidthat it will be bad.same, that is, monthly exam, exam fear some people are afraid ofresults to be scolded, beaten, but I think it’sreally scary is thatto send papers my heart beat like a moment, like high-speed railhas beenaccelerated, and his hands have been sweating like a relic Paowanhot water,feet like to be nailed down and can not move.Mandarin, science, society, English is my strength, to test no morethan ninetyproblem is as simple as eating. But the mathematics of it? I have aheadachejust thinking about it, it is my biggest enemy, it looks like a devil ofterror, Iwant to beat it prohibitively also difficulty!My math as good as other families, not because I do not work hard,but Itried to test well but still well on the exam. My score is not has notbeengood, when the second grade, often math test hundred points, thirdgradealso has nine ninety-five eighth to fourth grade, the results turnedout to besuch a roller coaster rush down like fishing nine to twelve, when thefifth andsixth grade even worse, it’s all a bit of eighty, and even once hadonly sixtyseven!before although my math is better, but I have done my best s hardwork. NowI have grown up, but for the monthly exam results still some fear, infearmixed with excitement even when the exam is no exception, I hopethis timethan the last monthly exam results can still progress a lot.