However, today memetic propagation can be possibly occurring from places to places independent from the geographically neighboring ones. The batik designers from Jambi (Sumatera), for instance, can learn and employ styles of drawing and ornamenting from products from Inderamayu (West Java), and sometimes the innovation could widely accepted. We could find a lot of these similar phenomena. Even more, batik motifs from a particular place are spreading in different clusters in our phylomemetic tree. Possibly this phenomenon comes from the fact that the data we use to represent the place are those inspired or innovated from batik from other places. This is obvious regarding the vast and rapid development on transportation and telecommunication technology since the last two decades ago or more. This is an interesting fact about the visualization with the phylomemetic tree as a tool to visualize high diversity data because it can be innovatively utilized mapping spectral data with high dimensionality [9] thus in the case of batik as the living cultural artifact, artists and innovators of today batik can enrich their landscape of creativity for future innovation [6].