Price list of services of Canavi Communications JSC<br>1. Recruitment subjects<br>Management level<br>50%<br>Level of staff, expert, CTV<br>The number of<br>Over 20<br>From 10 to 20<br>Under 10<br>Rates<br>10<br>15<br>20<br> <br>The above fee is calculated on the hard salary of the candidate according to the labor contract.<br>2. Candidate Warranty<br>Management level<br>1 month<br>Level of staff, expert, CTV<br>2 weeks<br> <br>During the warranty period, applicants who stop working at the Canavi company do not collect any fees.<br>3. Form of payment<br>Payment times 1:50% service charge when candidates arrive at the company in half the warranty period<br>Pay Times 2:50% service charge when candidates arrive at company after warranty period<br>For applicants over a half-time warranty period that Canavi will refund the full service fee you have paid or will replace with 1 other candidate.