Enormous research in the interdisciplinary of CMC not only upshots the interaction performance but also enlightens how CMC can be efficiently improved. CMC are rationally used in order to overwhelm the depression and loneliness and also decreases the hassles (Spitzberg and Hoobler, 2002). Overall, Spitzberg (2006) states that CMC theory is onto logically reliable together with teleological systems perspectives and traditional causal. Burgoon et. al., (2000), suggests that new arenas for communication are unlocked through new communication technologies, together with which it carries potential menaces of poor decision making, distrust and misunderstanding if used in regard to diverse tasks, numerous goals and advantageous stages of interpersonal relationships. Conversely, it leads to unexpected benefits if the users uses CMC in a creative manner to meet their organizational and personal objectives. In certain cases of professional tasks, CMC resulted as a superior than face to face communication, also it consequence to further operative when pooled with face to face communication (Olaniran, 1994).There arises a question that whether new technologies lead to overwhelm the existing older theories that were developed in regard to older technologies. Walther (2011), states that the scope and boundary condition of the theories must be examined and should constantly evaluate the topography of latest technologies features to examine the assumption of theory suits or violate those features. New theoretical concepts are ought to be developed that defines the functional attributes of group of technologies.