The income of the movie "Devil's Blade" becomes the number one movie screened in Japan.<br><br>A lot of people are going to see the animation movie "The Blade of the Demon" infinite train edition" of the manga "Devil's Blade".<br>"Devil's Blade" is a story in which a boy who is killed by an oni fights with demons.<br>The story after the animation broadcast on TV became a movie.<br><br>The film began showing on October 16 last year.<br>By December 27, 24.04 million people had seen the film, according to the film's company.<br>The revenue of the movie theater was 32,478.89 million yen.<br>It is more than 31.68 billion yen for Hayao Miyazaki's "Chito Chihiro no Kamis hidden", and it has become the number one movie ever screened in Japan.<br><br>A person who studies the animation business says, "I think a lot of people saw this movie because it left a good place for manga and made it more interesting."