It had been years since the rouge flying ship somehow swapped Luffy and Nami’s heads. No leads even turned up as they searched.Slowly the rest of the crew and themselves began to just accept the situation for what it was. Nami had plans for Luffy however.She had quickly become seen as the captain of the crew with her brains, and new found strength none of the other crew members could match her.Luffy not being very bright or strong in his current body slowly became more and more like a submissive woman unsure of what to do.This being Nami’s idea to slowly make him just that, a submissive woman.Why would she want to do this? Luffy for too long had gotten her into danger, no longer would he be able.Nami had power and brains, having it all made her feel like she just had to put Luffy in his place. The training was hard on him at first, he even often refused.Though slowly, his hair had gotten longer, his skin tone lighter and smoother, Nami had even gotten him to start willingly wearing dresses.From the years ago of Luffy complaining that he had to be in her body to now. Nami could only smile looking at her work. Luffy giving a smug smile as he itched the side of his cheek, his other hand on his hip.Outfitted in a white knee-length pencil dress, pearl jewelry around a wrist and his neck. A log pose attached to his other with a gold bracelet.He took a few steps forward one foot in front of the other in his white high heels.Watching his now longer shoulder length hair some may mistake the girl in front of them as a normal girl. The bit of Luffy left; the straw hat on his head and scar on his cheek.Nami could point out his more male features besides that. Though as she got him to grow his hair even longer, and smooth out some parts of his face.Nami knew she could make Luffyko into the perfect woman for the new pirate king.