Integrin avb3 also controls dynamic changes in the OC cytoskeleton associated with the bone resorptive process [19]. Deletion
of b3 in mice leads to a progressive increase in bone mass due to
failure of resorption [25]. When differentiated in vitro, b3/ OCs
do not spread or form a podosome belt upon plating in physiological amounts of receptor activator of NF-kB (RANKL) and
macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) [26]. Confirming
their attenuated resorptive activity, b3/ OCs generate fewer and
shallower resorptive lacunae on dentine slices than their wild-type
counterparts. Furthermore, the absence of b3 integrin impairs
motility toward M-CSF [19]. Several lines of evidence show that a
number of signaling molecules, including c-Src, Pyk2, c-Cbl, and
p130Cas are involved in the avb3 integrin-dependent signaling
pathway [27e30]. Integrin signaling first activates c-Src kinase,
which phosphorylates the tyrosine residues of Pyk2, p130Cas,
paxillin, and PLC-g, leading to osteoclast activation. PLC-g is a crosstalk molecule that acts between avb3 integrin-mediated and MCSF-induced signaling in OCs [31,32]. Because integrin avb3 plays a
rate-limiting role in OC-mediated bone resorption, its inhibitors
Integrin avb3 also controls dynamic changes in the OC cytoskeleton associated with the bone resorptive process [19]. Deletion
of b3 in mice leads to a progressive increase in bone mass due to
failure of resorption [25]. When differentiated in vitro, b3/ OCs
do not spread or form a podosome belt upon plating in physiological amounts of receptor activator of NF-kB (RANKL) and
macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) [26]. Confirming
their attenuated resorptive activity, b3/ OCs generate fewer and
shallower resorptive lacunae on dentine slices than their wild-type
counterparts. Furthermore, the absence of b3 integrin impairs
motility toward M-CSF [19]. Several lines of evidence show that a
number of signaling molecules, including c-Src, Pyk2, c-Cbl, and
p130Cas are involved in the avb3 integrin-dependent signaling
pathway [27e30]. Integrin signaling first activates c-Src kinase,
which phosphorylates the tyrosine residues of Pyk2, p130Cas,
paxillin, and PLC-g, leading to osteoclast activation. PLC-g is a crosstalk molecule that acts between avb3 integrin-mediated and MCSF-induced signaling in OCs [31,32]. Because integrin avb3 plays a
rate-limiting role in OC-mediated bone resorption, its inhibitors