The instructor's’ role in the course is to serve as facilitators and guides while students work to develop their solutions. This process ensures that students take ownership of their project as an engaged team. It allows students to strengthen their problem-solving and collaboration skills. The interdisciplinary teaching team models the teamwork skills the students are learning. The aim is to promote interdisciplinary learning, foster teamwork, and improve student engagement. Other course objectives are to develop students’ creative problem solving, empathetic design practices, communication skills, prototyping skills, and ethical reasoning. Students are expected to become proficient at the empathetic design process as well as interdisciplinary communication and teamwork. Creative problem solving, ethical reasoning, and realization of a product through prototyping are expected to be emergent skills that will need further refinement after the course.Research was conducted with consenting participants from the course using qualitative content analysis of student responses to prompts with the aim of assessing course outcomes. Results indicate that the multidisciplinary experience and use of and maker technologies enhance student learning and engagement, foster teamwork and interdisciplinary skills, and increase students’ ability to innovate.