Today i have try the new version(,when i am playing video will have a layer of transparent yellow colour on my sreen,i can see the layer of transparent yellow colour is appear from the start of video.This i cannot give any picture because after i screenshot and go to gallery it become no the layer of yellow colour and it only happen when playing video,maybe that i can say the video playing is totally worse than 4.4(kikat)of Asus Zenfone 5? Problem when i am playing all the video i have(so i don't thing is video problem because i have check on computer is no this thing happen).If wan say that similar to what i can only say it like a very low class bluelight filter,because the yellow colour a very light yellow colour,although it is a very light yellow but that also influenced my experience and also effect to the video's colour.Same problem also happen on Google(Media Viewer).I HOPE ASUS WILL HELP ME AGAIN TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM, THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THE FIX OF LAST TIME I HAVE REPORT , BUT THIS TIME MY REPORT ALSO PROBLEM OF VIDEO,PLEASE FIX AND IMPROVE.