In this modeling, in order to apply the load, the corresponding displacement is implemented to the attached rigid plate above the samples. Since the applied load is selected based on the low-cycle fatigue loading, the specimens experience the plastic deformation in each loading cycle. After loading, the applied displacement is removed from the rigid plate, but there would be some residual strains in the specimen. At this stage, the reaction forces are measured on the lower plate and compared to the applied force. If the difference was less than one percent, then the same displacement would be applied to the specimen. This process continues until the difference between the reactive and applied forces become greater than one percent. At this stage, the applied load (displacement) is decreased so that the difference between the reaction and applied forces become smaller than one percent. This procedure is continuing to a certain life or collapse of the component After the analysis is completed, the strain-cycle curve is drawn and the fatigue lifetime of the specimen, corresponding to the selected load, is obtained from the sudden drop of the strain. The algorithm used to for the analyses of low-cycle fatigue behavior of open cell aluminum foam is as follows.