Stability trainingPhysiotherapy has a rich tradition of prescribing exercise for patients with disorders of the back and the neck. Twenty years ago, Bergmark described a stabilization model for the lower back where he used the terms “local” (deep) – and “global” (superficial) muscles (22). This model has later been developed and renewed by Mottram and Comerford (23), among others. These classification systems have attracted considerable interest in physiotherapy, and a large number of articles have been published in this field. A lot of focus has been placed on rehabilitation and training of the deep stabilizing muscles, especially m transversus abdominis and the deep portion of m multifidus. Recently, however, specific rehabilitation of such muscles has been criticised (24-25). Several researchers and clinicians, Kibler among others, point out the importance of integrating both deep and superficial muscles to achieve optimal stability (26).